
Tmp Thesis Statement. Implementing A Comprehensive Training

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TMP Thesis Statement
Implementing a comprehensive Training Management Plan (TMP) for CGI will result in a well managed financially strong company, while also providing an exciting environment to build a career.
Organization Description
CGI is a global information technology and business process services provider with 69,000 professionals in more than 40 countries. The name "CGI" is the acronym for "Consultants to Government and Industry." CGI uses technology to help clients address their business challenges by delivering consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services (CGI, 2013a).
TMP Practical Value and Benefits
CGI has fostered a corporate culture rooted in the company and focused on each of its members. Developing a …show more content…

It constitutes a unique repository where the combination of CGI policies, guidelines, principles of conduct and best practices have been regrouped under one umbrella document, for the benefit of its members, officers and directors. One of the integral parts of this code involves the development and nurturing of members in their career growth. CGI 's strategic human resource management team lays out the key elements of the training management plan that provides support to its members and influences the management process of CGI. These elements reflect a portion of the collective experience of the team and are influential in making CGI as efficient as possible in the employee professional development arena. CGI’s constitution in combination with the human resource management team serves as the backbone to members ' development and support. These behaviors differentiate CGI from any other company and are part of CGI 's culture and way of doing business; this also assists in ensuring continued success (CGI, 2011b). As members, an individual’s success is linked to CGI 's collective dream.
This organization refers to everyone as members for reasons laid out in company’s original guiding dream: “To create an environment in which members enjoy working together and, as owners, contribute to building a company we can be proud of “(CGI, 2011a). The concept begins with the human

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