Throughout the history of philosophical theories there have many shifts of thought, one of the most dramatic would certainly be the change from focusing on ideas of God and the proving of God’s existence to thoughts on the “death of God” and ways to find meaning in life despite his absence. This shift is demonstrated by the changing tone of the writings of Anselm and Descartes to the writings of Feuerbach and Nietzsche. This change happened for a variety of reasons including but not limited to the proving of scientific facts that did not coincide with religious beliefs (evolution, the sun is the center of our galaxy, etc.), the changing societal structure that reduced religious involvement in everyday life and the doors opened by past philosophers. This change is clearly seen through that differences between the writings of Descartes and the writings of Feuerbach.
In the past, such as with Descartes in seems as if somehow proving God’s existence made everything right with the world. Descartes even went so far as to say,“I very clearly recognise that the certainty and truth of all knowledge depends alone on the knowledge of the true God, in so much that, before I knew Him, I could not have a perfect knowledge of any other thing”(Meditations) showing the strongly held belief people had at the time, that everything began and ended with God. This is why many of the philosophers before and during this time focused on God’s existence, because it was such a large part of life at
People start questioning Gods word, and realizing things about space and science that could’ve never been done before this is the start of the decline in religious power. Move forward even more to the modern and postmodern era and we can see advances such as telescopes, government, health, communication and computer technology allow us to question God as a whole, is he real or not? This is where Nietzsche’s “Madman” comes proclaiming that we’ve killed god, churches have become nothing but monuments for this once thriving God, it is now places where people go to avoid the truth. Even with these advances we still don’t understand what the madman is proclaiming as we can see by the blatant making fun and scrutinizing the on lookers show him.
The 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes believed that God exists. His proof of an all perfect being’s existence was explained by having an idea of God that had to have been caused by God. But simply having an idea of God is not enough for there to necessarily exist such a being. This paper will critically examine Descartes’s causal argument though its premises and conclusion.
When most refer to a change in reason or belief, there is a reference to a shift in psychological and cultural beliefs. Throughout antiquity, cultural belief was driven by theological policy. It was not until the philosophical teachings of Socrates and Plato, who helped to carve the path of literature as we know it today. Hunt et al. states, “These early Greek philosophers deeply influenced later times by being the first to clearly separate scientific thinking from myth and religion” (70). In short, philosophy is responsible for changing the views of what drives reason from the oversight of gods and deities, to the belief that state of mind is fueled by empirical evidence.
Nietzsche states that, if people stop believing in God, Christianity or faith eventually would come to an end. Nietzsche, with his essay makes a reference to current times. He talks about the evolution of technology, science and the rise of atheism. Nowadays with technology and science, we are able to provide answers to many of the questions, that before were just unproven hypothesis, such as how the earth came about (Big Bang theory), where do humans come from (theory of evolution). Technology and science have been able to provide a logical, proven and scientific answer to all these questions. As a result, Christianity is facing a decline of followers and practitioners. Many people, including myself nowadays look at all the logical, practical and empirical aspect of things first. However, in the past individuals relayed only on the divine aspect to find answers to
Most people want to live a meaningful life. They feel that is important to live a life that is sufficient and worthwhile. The meaning of life has been debated among many people and philosophers throughout history. There have been several theories used to try to explain the true purpose of life in some subjective or objective perspective. Louis Pojman argued that religion gives every individual life meaning to it and those who choose not to believe have no morality or purpose in life. On the other hand, suppose someone would object Pojman theory and believed that life with or without God is not required for finding meaning in life. In the following paper, I will explain Pojman theories about religion giving meaning to life and what that life may consist of. Second, I wish to explain how an atheist would reject his premise and provide a response to how a person of faith would respond to and atheists argument.
There are numerous arguments presented on the modern death of God by the German Idealist (Hegel, Feuerbach), the existentialists (Nietzsche, Frederick Depoortere Paul Sartre), and the modern scientists (Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris). Nietzsche, argues that from the modern death, it does not imply that experiences a physical death, but he theorizes that if Christians doubt the availability of the spiritual being, then the community’s morality will be separated. On the other hand, Richard Dawkins argues that, God’s notion should be observed or considered just like the other scientific hypothesis. The German Idealists Hegel and Feuerbach argue that God is also a complete being and that God is the holy mystery that people cannot understand the same way they understand other things in the world.
Victor Emil Frankl was born on March 26, 1905 in Vienna, Austria. He was a Neurologist and a psychiatrist; Frankl was the founder of Logo therapy too. In 1941, Frankl gets married to Tilly Grosser. Frankl graduated from the University of Vienna in which he got his MD and PHD in neurology and psychiatry, with that he concentrated on areas of suicide and depression. In 1942, Frankl and his family were arrested and sent to a Nazi concentration camp; Frankl’s father Gabriel dies months later of exhaustion. As years move on Frankl goes through four concentration camps, one of the most populated camp in Germany
In Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, he explains the various steps that should be taken in achieving genuine knowledge. Descartes rejects all beliefs in things that are doubtable, and he then tries to unbiasedly reestablish what can be known for sure. One of his most interesting argument is proving the existence of God. He hoped to provide a way for atheists, who demand a logical explanation in God’s existence, to believe in God. His rules of thought meant to ensure that our knowledge rests upon a firm foundation.
Descartes declares that he will only accept ideas that he can absolutely affirm, but accepts the existence of God without adequately proving it. This inadequacy undermines his declared project of defining the world in terms of established ideas. He does not sufficiently prove the idea of God, yet bases so much on it. When he later discusses physical bodies, intellect, and mathematical concepts, the reader cannot forget that everything he writes is based on the shaky foundation of the Christian God, and finds his
“Why do we do what we do?” This question is the epitome of existential philosophy, and quite frankly there is no clear-cut answer. However, three major ideas are prevalent and consequently discussed in Dr. Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. They are Sigmund Freud’s Will to Pleasure, Alfred Adler’s
What is the meaning of life? Well known Greek philosphers such as Socrates and Plato believed that our purpose in this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for the next life. Other Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life. After giving these ideas lots of thought, I have come to my own conclusion that the true meaning of life is far more complex than either of these; far too complex for any human to fully comprehend. In fact these two different philosophies are only part of the grand picture. If it were that easy for men to figure out our lives wouldn't be so messed up now. The meaning of life revolves around many different things. I
There are a few words you hear or read that never go away. "We exist to be supernatural occurrence laborers for each other," originates from Sr Joan Chittister, who happens to make the point that truly, it is in group, when we live congruously with others, that we are called to develop.
Dr. Seuss wrote in his book Happy Birthday to You, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Every essence of our being, from our personalities to our DNA is different from everyone else in this world. Many of these distinctions are apparent in the classroom setting and at times can prove challenging for a teacher. Some students may learn the lessons very quickly while others may take extra time and may need out-of-class help. These differences will affect their ability to learn and grow as a student and the strategies I implement in my classroom will affect their ability to succeed.
Life has no meaning if you don't have the urge to wake up the next morning to see the next day. Many people live their lives unhappy since they have no purpose or meaning to fulfill or satisfy their needs. Purpose to me is something to live for and something to look forward to in life. Without purpose and meaning in life there is no point of living at all. Recently in the existentialism unit we’ve been reading, I learned that without a passion to live, one’s life means nothing and is a waste of a soul. Based on the previous books I’ve read, I learned I am happy because I have things to look forward to in life and to wake up the next morning to enjoy the new day. Three elements that give me purpose and meaning in my life are my family, my
This is no joke. You guys have got to understand that this life is not all fun and games like it is on TV. And any man who has been successful will tell you that it takes hard work and dedication to achieve anything in this life. You have to work hard to get what you desire in this life. Some of us will have to work harder because of the mission the Lord has given for you to accomplish in this life.