
To What Extent Does Large-Scale Social Change Do To The Unity Of A Society

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Sociologists have asked what can possibly keep a society together, when several outside (or inside) forces threaten to tear them apart. And what does large-scale social change do to the unity of a society? Mechanical and organic solidarity is an idea from the mind of Emile Durkheim. Mechanical solidarity creates social integration. When a population shares similar occupations (or perhaps similar religions), they form the same values and ideas (104-05). An example of a society with mechanical solidarity would be the Puritan society, which existed in the New England area, beginning in the mid 17th century (Kizer). In such a society, because everyone shares the same beliefs in order to remain together, there is little room for a diversification in these beliefs. Societies with organic solidarity tend to be larger and involve a division of labor and interdependence. That is, everyone has different jobs, and they depend on another person to do their job, so that all of the parts contribute to a working whole. American society today would be an example of a society with organic solidarity (105). …show more content…

Gemeinschaft societies are small, familiar communities, where people make long-term relationships and have deep, personal interactions with one another every day. As society grew and changed, Tönnies reasoned, these relationships were limited to the short-term, and face-to-face interactions lessened. In a Gesellschaft society, the self becomes the focus; personal relationships are not the focus of people’s lives (105). American society today is also an example of a Gesellschaft society, because we live in a global, yet impersonal world, while the Amish community is an example of a Gemeinschaft society, as the Amish are more secluded and personal in their interactions

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