Is America the Greatest Country on Earth? Simply put no, America is not the greatest country on earth; even though most American’s choose to believe it is. While I know that almost all Americans share a very strong sense of pride and nationalism; not to mention a devout love for their country, it’s just that they might not think about it 24-7. I disagree greatly with the very often wrong and misstated statistics that suggest that America is just another sad declining country; the statistics people quote are just fake and insensitive to our nation. With that said we are, as a nation, falling behind on some categories like education and healthcare. The United States is almost last in childhood obesity in 2-4 year olds; also the U.S.
The United States of America, the self-proclaimed sole remaining superpower, often touts that it is the greatest nation in the world. Yet, when the data is analyzed, this claim is proven time and time again to be wrong, whether it is math or science, literacy or numbers, household income or workforce. Time and time again, and the numbers continue to slip. Healthcare is no exception. In 2012, the United States ranked thirty-second worldwide in life expectancy (Avendano and Kawachi 2014). Of the thirty-four Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations in 2010, the United States ranked twenty-sixth in infant mortality (MacDorman et al. 2010). In a 1998 study of thirteen developed nations (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States), the United States ranked, on average, twelfth. The rankings for the United States on each of the sixteen health indicators was: thirteenth for low-birth-weight percentages; thirteenth for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall; eleventh for post neonatal mortality; thirteenth for years of potential life lost (excluding external causes); eleventh for life expectancy at one year for females and twelfth for males; tenth for life expectancy at fifteen years for females and twelfth for males; tenth for life expectancy at forty years for females and ninth for males; seventh for life expectancy at sixty-five years for
Much has changed from the beginning of America to the 21st century. Most people in early American times were white, spoke English, Christian, and had straight marriages. Now, America consists of different ethnicities, sexualities, and religions. Some people believe that the U.S. is a “melting pot”, while others believe that individuality and diversity are becoming more prevalent in society. In recent years, diversity is much more appreciated than it was in the past.
There is no possible evidence or argument could persuade me that it is true because if America was the greatest nation in the world, there should have been no racism and discrimination, however, America is still struggling with the issues. That is one of many facts that America is not the greatest nation in the world. America does not have the best education system, economy, employment rate, and so on.
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A lot of American citizens feel that their country is the best, however; “we’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force and number 4 in exports” (Jeff Daniels, The Showroom). There is also a huge amount of injustice that still goes on here such as a corrupt justice system. More recently, there have been open protests of these injustices at NFL football games by its players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Although, not everyone feels the same way. This is because everyone perceives the flag and America itself differently. No two people will ever think exactly the same about everything.
Many people can agree that America is exceptional and how America is different from other countries. America believed that they will be better and different from other countries. America has many expectations that aren't reached. America has impacted many things that have occurred in the past and has created a great image from America but, never the less America is not exceptional and has failed to resist the standard America has created for themselves and over time they have forgotten there what they have by going against it.
America is not the Greatest Country is the first episode of HBO’s new television series The Newsroom. A news anchor, Will McAvoy, is seated between a strong liberalist, Susan, and a conservative, Lewis, on a journalism panel. When asked to describe why America is the greatest country from a student in the audience the anchor envisions someone in the audience using cue cards telling him, “It isn’t.” This persuades him to give his true opinion, and the anchor continues with a speech about why he feels this way. Will McAvoy uses bipartisan journalism to give the audience the impression that his approach on the subject is unbiased to distract them from his anti-American argument.
Americans have been breaded to believe America is the greatest country in the world. America is a place of the freedom and possibilities, an outside looking in a very desirable place to live. However, America is not as great as Americans believe. Sure Americans have a wider range of freedom then most countries, but has plenty of issues that will repulse others from coming to the land of the free. Issues such as women’s rights, racism, and discrimination plague U.S. citizens nearly each day and that should change now.
"Remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness" is the Merriam-Webster dictionary denotation of the word 'great'. At one time it was said that America was the greatest nation in the world. However, today with the economic ups and downs, social instability, and political unrest, one has to wonder if America can still proudly claim that title.
Immigrants. America accepts about 1.5 million immigrants per year, creating 13.3% of our nation’s total population. Not surprisingly, these increase of immigrants is a good thing, with open arms we allowed the immigrants to have a better life than what they had before. Albert Einstein, a well known Physicist, emigrated to the US around the 1930’s from Germany after being a targeted by the Nazi’s. If America did not welcome Einstein into our Nation, he would have been killed and not be known as well as he is today. Yet there is two sides to this situation, America does live up to its ideal of “opportunity for all” or America does not live up to its ideal of “opportunity for all”. I believe America does live up to its ideal of “opportunity for all” because, America is
In one time, William McKinley manifested “Expositions are the timekeepers of progress,” inspiring America that the workflow will be presented graciously. Reaching to the years of massive expansions, America had grown tremendously with goods and services. During the late 1890s, President McKinley urged Americans to transformed America into the greatest powerful nation in the whole world. In preparing for a strong nation, the Spanish-American War had enclosed their attainments due to tensions between Spain and United States. American had its victories and forwarded the Treaty of Paris which had control over several foreign countries. After the war, United States focused on up warding their nation. America’s progression of new
Today America claims to be a better country but are we really all that better than
The United States is not the greatest country in the world. However, for a very long time, people have believed that the United States tops the list. This is because of the classic lifestyle and technological advancements portrayed in our daily media. The United States is portrayed as a country of peace and optimum harmony. Consequently, we get the impression that United States is the best place to be. The younger generation seems to enjoy life to the fullest with almost no regrets. After all, most of us can drive a car at the age of 16; compare that to other countries at 18. We have access to pretty much whatever we need. Most adults are not constantly monitoring and hovering over their children. They have jobs and financial prosperity is
Overall, I believe the United States has been one of the most successful countries of all time. For the most part, the U.S. has been a prosperous place in the past and continues to be today. Throughout its history, the US. has overcame hardships faced to make the country into what it is today. The most well known oppression experienced by the U.S. is The Great Depression.
In its own way, America is in fact exceptional. While it may be lacking or struggling in some certain areas, it excels in others. America is exceptional in that it has become a sort of refuge, or safe-haven, harboring those in need and providing them with new, prosperous opportunities. Allowing for new opportunities and extending basic rights to all, America assists in the success of individuals, indirectly advancing the nation as a whole. However, just because America is indeed exceptional in some regards, that does not make it superior over all other nations or imply that our nation is without fault. Hillary Clinton for example once stated, “When we say America is exceptional it means that we recognize America’s unique and unparalleled ability to be a force for