To what extent does personality predicts employee performance? In the workplace there can be a number of factors that can affect and employee’s work ethic or their performance in their job related task. In recent times though there has been development and some research done on possibly personality having an effect or could possibly predict an employee’s performance in the work place and therefore influence the selection process in recruiting new employees for a job. In this essay we will be analysing and discussing a new model which has been devised in which may explain the different personality traits that differentiate each employee or worker from each other. This model is called the big five or the five factor model, Several …show more content…
(1984), on the other hand, had no specific construct to point to in their analysis, as their validity coefficient was obtained by combining results across a variety of personality variables with no attempt at categorization. (Personality and Job performance; G. Hurtz; 2000) . The reason the doubt had been brought about is that although there had been a number of different research done on the correlation between the two, the standard which had been set as a normal to show a good correlation between the two was seen as been two low and was been questioned by a number of people. A study by Iaffaldano and Muchinsky (1985) found a correlation of 17. Between the two which has been widely questioned to not show any correlation between conscientiousness and having the best job performance. This was then adjusted by Cohen (1988) who then suggested that the more approximated standard should be 20. This was then dismissed and then increased further more by Mount and Barrick (1992) who suggested that validities below 30 are questionable, given the wide range of more valid predictors we have to choose from. This kind of fluctuation of standards than can class conscientiousness as an important personality trait puts it into doubt on whether it is a reliable data to turn to help predict employees performance. Also results from study carried out by Vinchur et al., 1998 shows that striving, rather than accomplishment striving, is the motivational intention most strongly
Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The big five personality dimensions and job performance: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 44(1), 1-26.
This paper introduces the overview of personality assessment approaches in use currently in society. It proceeds to review the big five personality measures, its validity in prediction of personality types (Archer, 2011). The topic on MIPS questionnaires use in personality measurements and scoring methods used by the system is reviewed. Aspects on the social desirability trait and the distortion produced in responses to evaluation questionnaires, being a significant part of the problems in personality assessment is examined. Social desirability does not have an influence on the predictive validity of personality assessments. It is not related to performance in the job. Various strategies used for reduction of social desirability have been studied. The various tools used in assessments are recapitulated including some methodological aspects (Weiner, 2009). Cultural aspects in evaluation of personality discussed are touched upon. Two case studies are used to show the real life situation of personality assessment.
Personality theories, or models, are metaphors for describing something which is intrinsically indescribable, the human personality. Currently, one of the most popular approaches among psychologists for studying personality theory is the Five-Factor Model (FFM) or Big Five dimensions of personality. This essay will explore the 'Big Five ' personality constructs and seek to explain how useful they are to understanding how people are likely to perform in a work situation. In conclusion, this essay will also discuss some of the arguments against the relevance and accuracy of personality testing within the employment context.
Scroggins, Thomas, and Morris (2009) is a meta-analysis of the validity and practicality of using personality tests in employment selection. According to Scroggins, Thomas, and Morris (2009), personality tests using the Big Five can predict job performance; identify specific traits associated with a particular profession; job and training proficiency; performance motivation; career success; and organizational commitment. Additionally, personality tests combined with cognitive ability test reduce adverse impact; thereby, enhancing the validity of employment selection process (Scroggins, Thomas, & Morris, 2009). Specifically, the variety of items within the NEO PI scales allows organization to match job candidates with a particular job based on personality traits, for example, a salesman (Scroggins, Thomas, & Morris, 2009).
Allport defines personality as ‘the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment’ (Allport, 1937). An individual’s unique personality traits and attributes are a powerful indicator of how he/she will interact with the work environment. The difference between average and outstanding employees can often be solely personality related. As the employee is the most valuable asset to the company, ‘selecting the right employee during the process is critical’ (Carbery and Cross, 2013, pp. 41-53)
Other valuable uses include vetting of new partners, diagnosing sources of conflict, matching personality to particular tasks or initiatives while also taking the guesswork out of the hiring process (Neville, 2013). Current thinking in personality assessments converges on the idea that most personality characteristics reflect the five broad characteristics of the Five Factor Model – extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness (The Science of Personality, 2015). Personality tests are typically less likely to differ in results by gender and race than other tests, can be administered via paper and pencil or computerized methods to large groups easily, cost effectively and do not necessarily require skilled administrators (SIOP). In 2012 thirty-five percent of Human Resources around the world reported that they use “personality inventories” (Gray, 2015).
The Big 5 in personality research has been correlated with many variables and factors. The following study uses a meta analysis procedure to evaluate the relationship between the Big 5 and job satisfaction rates and answer the following questions. You may also use your text in addition to help clarify information. Judge, T.A., Heller, D. & Mount, M.K. (2002).
Personality has been inherently defined as possession of a particular set of characteristics possessed by people which influences their behaviour and reactions in different situation along with their motivation level to react to difficulties at the workplace. However, understanding personality traits and their development has been a contentious matter. Nonetheless, various theories have been forwarded to rather contribute to this contentious debate. For example employers set goals and encourage involvement with the company to have a better employee performance, which would result in higher motivation level subsequently leading to increased efficiency. Studies regarding the relationship between personality traits of a particular employee
Personality can be defined as the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual and the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual. There are certain factors that make up a person and create how they are in the present including their upbringing and life experiences (Mayer, 2007). Psychologists often use many theories to explain different aspects of personality and some of them focus on explaining how personalities develop while others are concerned with differences in personality. Personality has been considered as an important aspect in personality related studies specifically for predicting job performances, it differentiates people’s behavior from one another (Beer & Brooks,
Managers must organize, lead and control a diverse and ever changing staff, but how? With so many different personalities in the work place managers that strive to mesh them in a cohesive way tend to succeed. Using the two most popular personality identifiers, Myers-Briggs as well as the Big Five, managers can cater to specific employee needs. Understanding these two methods are crucial for successful managers in today’s ever-changing business world. The two personality indicators, Myers-Briggs and Big Five, are descriptive personality domains that fall under different psychological traits.
I will be writing my paper on personality, attitudes, and job performance. This subject(s) caught my eye because I am currently working in a job (field) where I deal with people every day. We all have different personalities and attitudes and we all have to learn how to deal with them if we are going to manage or work in these types of environments. Also, we have to be satisfied with our jobs to have good job performance. Studies show that the number of people who are satisfied with their jobs is currently declining because people are not enjoying their jobs. So, I will write my paper on
Psychologists have identified literally thousands of personality traits and dimensions that differentiate one person from another. But in recent years, researchers have identified five fundamental traits that are very relevant to the organizations. These traits are now commonly called as “THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS”.
Measuring personality is essential for the managers of all organisations. Many methods have been elaborate to evaluate personality of people.
In this essay I am going to discuss the “Big Five” factors of personality; Emotional Stabilty, Extraversion, Opennesss to Experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. In relation to organistaional behavior, we are interested in personality as it allows us to make generalized predictions about people’s behavior at work. Many psychologists believe that these five catagories distinctly describe the differences in peoples personalities. “Personality is the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from another” (Moorhead and Griffin, 2010, p. 61). It is said that both biological and enviornmental factors play a role in shaping our own individual personalities. There are thousands of personality traits that seperate and make us unique from each other,
Although the acceptance of classification cannot reach universal, in the theories about personality, Big Five Personality probably is most well-established one with the most widely accepted conceptual structure. The five dimensions of individual personality which are: Openness, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Emotionally stability, and based on these dimensions, Costa and McCrae (1992) constructed the Five-factor model (FFM). According to Barrick et al. (2013), these personality traits can be formulated as “Psychological mechanisms” which are significant to individuals’ ideas, feelings and mood, and behaviors. There are a considerable number of studies on the link of the Big Five traits to variety of