
Too Many U.S. Expatriate Managers Fail Essay

Decent Essays

It’s been shown that U.S expatriate managers have had a high rise in failure in their career. Therefore the foreign careers of U.S expatriate managers end up quickly or they are found to be ineffective by their seniors. The major factors contributing to the failure of U.S expatriate managers include family stress, emotional immaturity, cultural inflexibility, over work and physical breakdown. Let’s discuss the reasons of family stress and cultural inflexibility.
Stress experienced within family has been perceived as a factor that leads to the failure of an expatriate manager. It takes a bit of time for managers and their families to adjust with their new lifestyles. Usually managers will be challenged and excited to begin their careers in …show more content…

As the US expatriate managers are poorly trained for international assignments, they experience difficulty in adapting to the new culture and tradition. The adaptation to the new place, language, people and their cultural attitudes slow down their workplace performance. Also in the workplace, they experience the cultural shock in the different working mode and staff relations.
For avoiding failure, expatriate managers must have certain competencies. Here the competencies to ‘handle stress’ and ‘cultural adaptability’ are discussed. Ability to handle stress is an essential competence that all successful managers must have. Expatriate mangers experience stress due to the culture shock, unhappy family settings, work load, increased responsibilities and due to difficulties of everyday expatriate life. If the manager is competent to manage stress using sufficient stress management techniques, he will be able to control the situation and can become a successful manager. Another important competency required for the expatriate managers is cultural adaptability. An expatriate manage can perform well abroad if he has the competency to adapt to multi-cultural environments. If they have competence of cultural adaptability, they can easily develop a global perspective for their business. Such expatriate managers are able to recognize cross-border opportunities and can identify risks with a global perspective.
Organizations have now realized that their

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