
Tracy G: She's Beauty And The Beast

Satisfactory Essays

iscussion Board She’s Beauty and The Beast is my favorite podcast easily. Tracy G is so dramatic in her delivery and her voice is so soothing. “Tracy G. is a media maven from Brooklyn, New York passionate about pop culture, women empowerment and perhaps above all, embracing individuality (Rose, 2016). She delivers her message in an energized 13-50 segment, and goes off script so it doesn’t feel forced, with a little tinge of Brooklyn flavor. The Sway In The Morning host, is a self-proclaimed life cheerleader sharing what works and hasn’t worked for her in her life. She shares her struggles her ups and downs of daily interactions, successes, and failures. It’s unfiltered, and her method of narration is so eloquent and for some reason I follow her twisted train of thoughts as she spirals and finally emerges with the point. As noted in an article on “first, make a good product. Then, as you begin your climb, try to get on other people’s shows, as any cross-promotion is helpful. Doing a Kickstarter campaign can also help build awareness of your show (haven’t tried this yet) (Post, 2015).” While this is a successful path for many, …show more content…

Her weekly series literally facilitates her mantra, “Keep the soul LIT”. The great thing about Tracy G is she knows her audience, female millennials, particularly of African American decent, and speaks to issues they may experience by speaking on her own experiences. The only room I see for improvement would be to find ways to broaden her audience by becoming more inclusive in her topics. She could also create her own app, that would make streaming her podcasts easier. Rather than having to search them individually, her listeners could just get a notification and press a

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