
Tragic Hero In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

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According to Aristotle, the tragic flaw in a hero is impeded by a distinguishable characteristic or character trait which leads to his ultimate demise. The book Much Ado About Nothing is written by Shakespeare and features the character of Claudio and his tragic flaw of gullibility. Claudio will be deceived and mislead as he always will believe the information fed to him like Don John saying Don Pedro is dishonest leading him to not care about hero and Don Jon speaking of Heroś dishonesty making Claudio lose trust by most. First, Claudio is mislead by the mischievous Don John into believing that Don Pedro deceives Claudio and snatches his fair lady for himself. Claudio loses his once passionate interest in the fair Hero and tries to go down a different path. In the book the evidence for this is, “Tis certain so; the prince woos for himself¨(Shakespeare 23 A2 S1). Claudio is losing interest Hero causing sadness to overcome his clouded thoughts. Later on he discovers that the information is false and that Hero was still …show more content…

According to Don Jon, Hero has been talking to another man in her room at night and in that context Hero and Claudio were to be married. With this new gained information he takes this opportunity to shame Hero of what he thinks she has done. At the wedding Claudio states, ¨What man was he talk’d with you yesternight¨(Shakespeare 68 A4 S1). He was led by Don Jon to thinking that Hero and another man had were together so he decides to shame Hero because of this. This causes a havoc to occur stirring trouble which then leads to Claudio being the one who is shamed as Leonato and others uncover the truth. Claudio finds the real truth that Don Jon had deceived him and he says, “ Yet sinned I not But in mistaking”(Shakespeare 90 A5 S1). Guilt and foolishness falls upon Claudio for believing Don Jon and for what he thinks killed

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