
Trait Leadership Theory Paper

Decent Essays

While I do consider myself a leader based on the trait leadership theory I do not believe I am a perfect example. There are many traits I lack or could benefit from improving. One of those traits is tact and diplomacy. While I am outgoing and sociable I have at times rubbed people the wrong way. I also noted I have always made friends easily but there has also never been a shortage of people that simply do not like me. Sometimes people don’t want to hear what I think is right. Sometimes I don’t necessarily say things in the most delicate way. I recognize that I am a polarizing figure in this regard and this is something that I definitely would benefit from correcting.
Another weakness I recognize is a lack of energy. Sometimes I get weighed down by the world. I carry an argument with a loved one or a disagreement with me into the work place. I will be visibly upset or appear discouraged. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and it is not easy for me to pretend that everything is alright when one area of my life is suffering. This is one of the reasons I have a hard time balancing my personal and professional life. I let the emotional energy of one greatly affect the other. I …show more content…

Some take conscious effort, patience and time. If I want to improve as a leader based on the trait theory then I need to exercise more tact in my day-to-day proceedings. To do so I need to implement the following strategy “Being a tactful leader is about your intention, the execution of a plan and the results.” (Debbie, 2011) Instead of quickly reacting to situations off the top of my head I need to have a clear intention of what I want to accomplish and formulate a plan of how I want to get there. This may be as simple as thinking more before I speak. Or it could be as detailed as planning for necessary interactions by deciding what result is desired and what might help motivate the other participant to get there

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