
Transformational Leadership Training Essay examples

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“Transformational leadership is a newer leadership approach which creates valuable and positive change in their followers. Transformational leadership enhances motivation, morale, and performance as well as stimulates and inspires followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes and in the process develop their own leadership capacity. Transformational leaders also focus on “transforming” others to help each other, to look out for each other, to be encouraging and harmonious, and to look out for the organization as a whole.” (Bass, 2006) This training is being conducted in response to globalization and the effect it is having on unions. With a global economy upon us as well as educationally advanced corporate …show more content…

Research Method The method I have chosen is the “Survey Method,” a methodology with quantitative results. I chose this method after carefully analyzing others and found it would fit my immediate needs for this project. This approach tends to be more objective, is used in a real world sitting (which allows me more breadth of information) and can be done in-person as well as over the internet. If properly executed, it will promote a valid and reliable research project. In this research approximately four surveys (test) will be used. The first survey would to be used to determine the interest level of members towards leadership positions now or in the future. Next I would find out how many would be willing to take a transformational leadership course if offered and where the best location, day(s), and time would be for classes. With this said, I have done just that. I first designed the survey; then determined the sample size needed was 95 surveys which would cover 10,000 members in three states using a confidence level

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