
Transient Receptor Potential ( Trp ) Essay

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Transient receptor potential (TRP) are ligand-gated controlled ion channels that function in the process of nociception where transmission pain signals by nociceptors are carried as impulses from the sensory nerves to the central nervous system through afferent neurons (Dai 2016; Marwaha et al., 2016). Nociceptors, also called noxious stimulus detectors, are pain sensory receptors made up of myelinated and unmyelinated neuron fibers that relay action potentials to the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS), which are interpreted as pain (Woolf et al., 2007). Transient receptor potentials detect chemical or physical stimuli that trigger nociceptor activation that result in pain perception (Marwaha et al., 2016). The TRP channels control physiological perception of temperature, taste, pheromones and painful mechanical sensory inputs, which is accomplished through six different TRPs (TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPV4, TRPM8, and TRPA1) (Dai 2016; Marwaha et al., 2016). Interestingly, all six TRP channels of the three TRP family types are expressed in afferent pain sensing nociceptors (Dai 2016; Marwaha et al., 2016). This suggests that all six of the TRP channels are involved in pain perception. The afferent nociceptors are hyper-activated in diseases including neuropathic pain and peripheral inflammation. Recent findings suggest that TRP channels function in a critical position with the association of these diseases. Researchers are exploring novel

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