
Travel Reflection

Decent Essays

Around this time last year, my 2016’s New Year’s resolution was nothing more than a thought rattling around in my brain. I never felt further from my goal of paying off the debt that lingered from my first attempt at college than when it was only a few hundred dollars out of reach. Today, I find myself once again struggling with an entirely different New Year’s resolution. I made it my mission in 2017 to polish off a few of the projects that had dragged on over the last few years. I have real passions that I have always considered priorities, but have never received the attention they require. With this in mind, I know that if I want to see myself achieve these goals I must get serious and eliminate potential distractions. Therefore, when I was asked to select three words that reflect the spirit of that goal, I chose the words travel, education, and focus. Of the three words, perhaps the one that resounds with me most is travel. I’ve always believed that if you travel, you should focus on places that will help you become the person that you want to be and you should do it with people that you care about most. Of course, while I certainly did not expect to find myself in places like Paris or Saigon, I had my heart set on a few cities closer to home. I began planning trips all over the country from visiting family in Chicago, to exploring cities I had never seen before like Nashville and Kansas City. As for the rest of 2017, I look forward to visiting universities,

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