
Trends Of Medical Care Around The World

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Trends in Medical Care Around the World Alex Blissitte As the many cultures and societies across the world change, the spread of healthcare changes, as well. Through research, we are able to compare both the benefits and disadvantages of various types of healthcare across the world. By studying trends and applying current knowledge, we can predict what the future holds for medical care in both our own country and other countries. Two examples of a developed healthcare system can be seen in Australia and England. In Australia, medical care is universal, meaning the federal government pays a large percentage of the cost of services in public hospitals. Typically, 100% of in-hospital costs, 75% of General Practitioner and 85% of specialist services are covered, based on whether the patient receives other benefits, and whether the patient has crossed the threshold for further subsidised service. England’s healthcare is mainly provided by the public health service, the service that provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the UK that is free at the point of use, and paid for from general taxation. Since health is a devolved matter, there are differences with the provisions for healthcare elsewhere in the United Kingdom.Though the public system dominates healthcare provision in England, private health care and a wide variety of alternative and complementary treatments are available for those willing to pay. On the other end of the spectrum, South Africa and India are

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