
Trident Missile Program

Decent Essays

Ever since the beginning of mankind war has been commonplace throughout our history. As we have evolved so have our ways of killing one another perhaps the cruelest being the nuclear bomb which took the lives of over 246000 people in its first uses. I come to the argument of why the United Kingdom has a program of these weapons of mass destruction. Is it necessary to protect ourselves or should us no longer keep these deadly weapons.

Many in favor of the trident missile believe that it is necessary to protect ourselves during this turbulent time in which we live in. There is a high risk of new nuclear states developing, for example Iran which continues to defy the international community, and have continued to develop their nuclear program. The same can be said about the highly aggressive dictatorship of North Korea. If hostile states with nuclear capabilities were to launch an nuclear attack, trident would be the best way to defend ourselves, without trident the United Kingdom would be helpless in that kind of incident.

Many opposing the trident missile program believe that the program is no longer useful to the UK. Gone are the days of the Warsaw Pact and the cold war, which caused Brittan to seek the Trident program. …show more content…

This money could be spent on many other important sectors such as our conventional forces, which has been heavily damaged by recent budget cuts. The cost of replacing trident with a more modern program would be over 100 billion pounds. This money could be better spent on funding A&E services for 40 years, or covering tuition fees for over 4 million students. ‘It is quite frankly unbelievable, that at a time of austerity, when every item of public expenditure has to be justified to the Ninth degree, that the biggest proposed UK investment program has received so little public scrutiny. ‘This shows the extent of which people feel that trident should be

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