"I kill about 13 million kids a year"- Bullying(Tumblr). We all recognize the seriousness and the unmerciful imprint that cyberbullying can cause. Social media annihilation has become the number one cause of suicide deaths and attempts in teens and young adults. We all witnessed social injustice and failed to report the abuse. Top sites that have the maximum bullying rates are Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook. Prevention and awareness are our only hope to lower these staggering numbers from increasing.
October 27. A 20-Year-old Tumblr artist Paige Paz attempted suicide, after enduring long periods of cyberbullying and harassment on a distinguished website. Tumblr was founded February 2007, it’s services allow its fellow Tumblr’s to post multimedia clips, art and short-form blogs. In Paz's case, she uploaded some of her art to her blog, and to her surprise, she was savagely attacked and berated by aggressive users. We can't supervise everyone movement on the internet, but we could alter the rules to play in the community's favor. Tumblr should give users better ways to critique art, being that most people struggle with word preferences it should build character and vocabulary.
July 18. Leslie Johns was ferociously lacerated with pernicious tweets. "I was in my apartment by myself, and I
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Lewis Thelwall hangs himself after false accusations are posted online, and goes viral. Facebook Is deemed the worst social network to become a victim of cyber bullying. 54% of teens reported they have experienced cyber bullying on the social network. Lewis was amongst the percentage, due to the carelessness of his peers and the lack of graciousness Lewis was pushed to the edge, not knowing he just lost his father months earlier. Lewis is one 4,400 teens who claims their own lives due to bullying. Show more compassion, less hatred, walk with your shoulders down and head held high. Lastly, if we show more love for our society we’ll have no reason to speak down on
Social media itself is a huge danger to society. It causes many suicides within the world because of the cyberbullying and spreading of rumors. “Recent studies have shown that one out of four teens have been the victims of cyberbullying and one out of six have admitted to having cyberbullied someone” (Trautner 1). The internet and social media is supposed to be used to communicate with friends and for searching information, “Kids use technology different than their parents do. Sometimes it is hard for adults to understand that this can even be a possibility” (Trautner 1). It is not supposed to be used to bully someone, especially not to the point where the victim would think about suicide. “One of the statistics that has been highlighted within this news coverage is the threefold increase in the suicide rate for girls ages 10 to 14. The rates for girls in this age group increased from 0.5 to 1.5 per 100,000 during this time period. The increases for boys in this age group were not as high, climbing from 1.9 per 100,000 during 1999 to 2.6 per 100,000 in 2014” (Olsen
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are huge contributors to cyberbullying. These social network sites grant their members the privilege to engage in the actions of the attacker which is a menace. A majority of the cyberbullied population have committed suicide due to the abusive comments. Cyberbullying has gone into a hyper drive with new devices and faster types of social media.
For years, 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer had been victimized by bullies. The attacks didn’t only happen in person but also continued online, where bullies used social media to taunt him day and night. Beset by cyber-bullies, the student from Williamsville, N.Y., took his own life on September 18, 2011. Yet even Jamey’s death didn’t stop his tormentors.
Causes of suicide vary but as technology advances new causes are apparent. Social media plays a major role in causes of suicide. Technology allows cyber bullying to happen frequently and recur until something or someone stops it. Victims of bullying often think they have no way out of their situation or feel like there is no help. People with suicidal thoughts struggle either mentally, physically, or emotionally. “Three million children are absent from school each month due to bullying. Twenty percent of those bullied kids have suicidal thoughts” (Bullying and Suicide, 2016, p.1). Media’s such as snapchat, instagram, twitter, or facebook all provide factual information about previous cases of suicide. Cyberbullying is a serious problem especially among adolescent girls. Girls are more likely than boys to attempt suicide due to cyberbullying, because girls are struggling to find themselves as a person (Bichell, 2013, p. 3). Any form of negativity or put down affects them, and who they are trying to become.
A large sum of suicides are indirectly or directly influenced by experiences with online aggression. Suicide is not an uncommon result of tormenting through social media. “The psychological impact [of cyberbullying] can be devastating, and suicide is not unknown among young victims. For some victims, the damage to their sense of dignity and emotional well-being could persist for years." (“Jessica Mendoza”) The effects of online bullying are extremely harmful to children. Any child that is having suicidal thoughts from online bullying is a deeply harmed child. Suicide in teens is not uncommon either. Jennifer Holladay states, “Our study of upwards of 2,000 middle school students revealed that cyberbullying victims were nearly twice as likely to attempt suicide compared to students not targeted with online abuse.” Online abuse it a growing problem with the modernizing society. More and more people at younger and younger ages have more access online, and to social media. This increases the online abuse, and will lead to more and more suicides in teens
Cyberbullying is a problem that has only come to light in the last few years. It has many different effects on people; it can cause depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, and effects the way students do in school. Cyberbullying is one of the top leading causes of suicide in teens and young adults (Swearer). Cyberbullying is a major problem that this country needs to get under control because it is leading to self-harm and suicide in teens and young adults. It causes an unsafe learning environment, and the victim cannot get away from the bullying because the attackers stalk them through social media accounts and their cell phones. So, how does
Initially, social media is commonly used as a weapon to attack others on their opinions or simply because they despite other people. For instance, cyber bullying has caused huge problems ever since social networks have started becoming popular. “Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once,” (“11 Facts about Cyber Bullying” www.dosomething.org). This is more targeted at teenagers and children because they are unaware of the harmful things they might say over the internet. To illustrate, cyber bullying can become a very serious issue when a minor commits suicide. “Bully-related suicide can be connected to any type of bullying, including . . . cyberbullying, and sexting, or circulating suggestive . . . about a person” (“Cyber Bullying & Social Bullying” http://www.bullyingstatistics.org). It’s the parent’s duty to filter the internet. Based on this information, social media is not necessarily safe, anyone can become a victim
Cyber bullying is becoming a bigger and bigger problem on social networking sites. There have been quite a few teenage suicides in which cyber bullying seems to have played a role. In at least one case, the suicide of Alexis Pilkington, the bullying kept going on her tribute page even after her death. (Glor) “Cyber-Bullying can cause the victim to become chronically depressed and to experience a complete loss of self-esteem. A short exposure to Cyber-Bullying can have long term effects. It can result in Cyber-Bullying Suicides.” (Cyber-Bullying Suicides - Cyber Bullycide Victims ) It has many forms such as degradation, harassment, cyber stalking, impersonation, flaming (using vulgar and angry language to start fights with the victim), password theft and hacking accounts, posting photos or videos, among several others. (Cyber-Bullying Suicides - Cyber Bullycide Victims ) Bullying has been around way before the internet, but now that it is online, rumors, pictures or other forms of cyber bullying make their way around the community much faster so it is easier to humiliate someone in front of more people. “In the Internet era, it appears there are more people interested in spewing hate than in countering it. On the social networking sites and on YouTube, inflammatory, hate-filled content overwhelms the limited efforts to
Some of the coolest and most diverse art on Tumblr belongs to female illustrators and designers. Every artist has a unique twist to her pieces, and being able to find that diverse collection is just a hash tag away. A quick tag search will do all the work for you, in my case, “female illustrators” and “female artists” was the one I used the most. If you’re looking for some interesting and impressive illustrations and graphics to spark your imagination, these are my top 24 female artists on Tumblr:
These sites include Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter, all of which are easily accessible, include the option of anonymity and can display a lot of personal information. In recent years, a series of online bullying-related suicides across the globe have brought awareness to the connection between online bullying and suicide. A study conducted in Britain established that approximately half of suicides among youth are related to online bullying through social media networks and 23% of teens aged 12-15 had been bullied via Facebook or email.
The percentage of deaths due to bullying online has increased. Recent studies show that 4,500 kids commit suicide each year. 3 million students are absent from school due to online bullying. About 80% of young teens have social media underaged. If civilians were aged enough to be on social media the
The World Wide Web is a place of new and congenial people, but everyone is not similar. This brings me to the topic of suicide. Many adolescents have committed suicide, or self-harm due to cyber-bullying because over 50% of adolescents do not tell their parents when it occurs. Inasmuch as of that, in 2014 the suicide rate
There is a lot of bullying that goes on in this world, a majority of it being cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a constant problem with young kids on social media. Cyberbullying is a risk for anyone, “Cyberbullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about another person. It is the most common online risk for all teens and is a peer-to-peer risk” (AAP). Nonetheless, bullying is always going to happen and cyberbullying allows it to happen
Bullying and harassment through social media can have a major impact on one’s life. Bullying through means of social media or cyberbullying for instance, may cause feelings of loneliness, depression, rejection, unsafety, fear, hopelessness or feeling stuck in a situation, confusion, stress, feeling like you don’t fit in, and shame. Any of which may lead to avoidance of friends, social media, school and the intent to cause harm oneself or others may arise due to these feelings. In rare cases of bullying it could result in an occurrence of school shootings which has been occurring more frequently. Cyberbullying may also lead to the suicide of the student due to constant tormenting and inability to escape from harassers. However, this may be avoided
The Internet has the ability to impact young people in very personal ways. For young people, who are in the developing stages of self image, popularity, gender identity, personal identity, and even ideological identity the Internet can be a positive tool or be a weapon to demean or diminish a person’s sense of self. There are a number of news stories where the results of cyber bullying resulted in a suicide. A December 2016 CNN news report tells the story of a high school student who was bullied about her weight and who eventually took her own life in front of her family (Hassan, n.d). While this is but one example, it is one too many.