
Types Of Malicious Software Which Can Attack Critical Infrastructures And It Is A Security Challenge?

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There are many types of malicious software which can attack critical infrastructures and it is a security challenge in the U.S. and world. The government and private sector should work together to prevent attacks on critical infrastructures. The SCADA/Stuxnet Worm could have an impact on the critical infrastructure of the U.S. There are ways to try to mitigate vulnerabilities to the worm which relates to the seven domains. Both the government and private sectors have responsibilities to help mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities to the critical infrastructure. Elements of an effective IT Security Policy Framework would be help in mitigating or preventing an attack from the SCADA/Stuxnet worm.
Impact and Vulnerability of SCADA/Stuxnet Worm.
The backbone of the U.S. economy, security, and health are known as the critical infrastructure. The critical infrastructure includes power, water, transportation and communications systems. The SCADA is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition which are servers that collect critical information to keep a facility online. A worm virus can spread to the SCADA and interfere with the facility operations, an example would be the Stuxnet worm which cause issues with Iran power plant. According to Kelley (2013), the Stunxet reportedly destroyed about a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges causing them to spin out of control with the intent to reduce the lifetime of the centrifuges, (Kelley, 2013). The worm caused a lot of delays with the

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