
Typology Research Paper

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Typology refers to the analysis of the general type. There are a variety of religious groups that are comprised in this outline by the classic sociologist of religion. The sect is one of them. The sect’s characteristics in include it to be elite and to have a control on the religious truth. As well as, usually forcing members to show how they have changed their life in order for them to be accepted into the sect. These are some characteristics that the sect might or might not follow because each sect is different as well as small and selective. Sects start with a charismatic leader such as the church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints being a sect of Christianity because this church broke apart from a much bigger community. There are different types of sects including the conversionist, …show more content…

They have no interest in social transformation. The revolutionist sect relies on the belief that there is redemption and will come soon with the annihilation of the normal order the world has and example comes from the Branch of Davidian community. There is also the manipulationist sect which is different because they believe in what other believe and they are accepting and an example is the New age movement or something that has to do with healing. Lastly, there are the utopian sects, which are the people who want to change the world according to a particular plan. Example would include the Oneida Community. Next, there are the sects who become denominations. Denominations according to the book Anatomy of the Sacred means a form of religious institution that is different from the Protestant Christianity and is often juxtaposed with state established churches and sects meaning its just a branch of Christianity. An example of a demonization is Baptist churches. Characteristics include them having a trained minister unlike the sects as well, as they are not as strict and follow fewer rules than a sect

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