Taking both the Jung Typology and the DISC assessments were interesting to me. The
results I received did not surprise me too much because I have taken a few personalities based
test before. The difference in those times and this is that this time I was careful and really took
my time because I wanted to see accurate results from both assessments. I noticed that by
actually looking at accurate results from two separate assessments I was able to see some
patterns that I can honestly say are pretty accurate when looking at how I do things in different
The first assessment that I completed was the DISC assessment. The DISC assessment
showed me four components of my behavior. It showed me how I approach problems and
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I am calm and steady and
attempt to get things done on time. When it comes to establishing rules and protocol I am very
cautious. I am a perfectionist and need things to be done a very specific way.
The second assessment I completed which was the Typology assessment showed that I
am an ESFJ or have the following characteristics Extraverted Sensing Feeling and Judging. This
assessment showed me that I am outgoing and also very serious. I like to be in charge and enjoy
positions of leadership. I have a strong sense of right and wrong and want things done correctly
and in a timely manner. Ironically this also shows that I have a soft side to me. The results
describe me as someone that wears their heart on their sleeve. I am easily hurt event though
would think someone who loves being in control so much would be a bit more rugged and tough.
This was interesting to me because it is very accurate to my personality. It also describes a
characteristic I have noticed about myself at work. It describes me as vigilant or the world
around me. It almost says I’m paranoid about things and believe the world is a dangerous
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I want things done right but
I am also cautious about giving out directions. I don’t want to mislead anyone or give anyone
false information. I interact with people in a way that shows a lack of interest in them at times. I
can come across as selfish because I get easily caught up in trying to convince someone that I’m
right and that my way is the correct way. In trying to communicate to someone that I am correct
I become easily focused on me and forget about them and how their ideas might play out in
different situations.
The leadership style I hope to achieve is that of someone more companionate and
understanding. I want to have the confidence to lead people without feeling the need to be mean
and rude about it. I feel like I currently lead people with authority and speaking loud. I want to
work on that and become someone more reasonable and relatable to others. I believe that a true
leader shouldn’t have to be rude or too serious to get others to respect and listen to his or her
instructions. I want to be a leader who leads by example and can guide people without using an
iron fist so to
Do you think the results were accurate about how you feel? Why or why not?
Use the scoring information in the blue shaded area, select one area that you think you need to work on to be an even better leader/manager.
To analyze the assessments – I’m happy with all my results. They all confirm my previous beliefs of myself. The first test I took was the personality test. My results were INFP – which is interesting because I normally ENFP with a side note saying I am also closely considered to be a INFP. This is due to me having Bipolar Disorder. With Bipolar Disorder, there are two moods – Manic and Depressive. If you know about the disorder my two personality types fit perfectly with the moods. In a manic episode I thrive off of social
After I took the Humanmetrics Jung Typology assessment test, I got four letters in the result “ENTJ” saying I have distinct preference of Extraversion over Introversion (69%), have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (41%), have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%), have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (50%) (Humanmetrics, 2017).
According to what Mr.Liucata said, the pathway to becoming a leader is the desire to make the change. This is the most important element and the first step that make an ordinary people to become a leader. Everyone can change the world by their action. Individual’s power affects the whole world. As a leader, you need to take the action instead just thinking. After you desire to change the world and take the action, you are on the pathway to becoming a leader.
Aristotle's quote on leadership tells me that everyone has to learn how to properly follow, as well as learn to know who to follow, in order to one day become a great leader. It could be easy to try and lead in the wrong direction if you don't learn the proper route first.
Personally, I was not surprised by any of the findings because I feel as though I am pretty aware of myself and my surroundings. Yet, I was concerned to see that my physical and
When beginning to describe a person there are many different qualities, values, fears, likes, and dislikes that make up the puzzle pieces to who they are. Everyone has their own unique and intricate personality that makes no two people the same. When attempting to illustrate who I am I thought it would be best to begin to describe myself through my character traits.
In a nutshell I hope to become a better leader and even though it is impossible to be
My personality is one that has been often described as multifaceted and constantly variable. While my outlook on life is generally easygoing and unconcerned, I am not one to remain submissive to ideologies that are at odds with my moral assumptions about the world. It is through the clash of polarized life experiences that I have come to understand myself as the Fool, positive and lighthearted, the Warrior, aggressive and defensive, and the Creator, imaginative and self-reflexive.
ESFJ personality type is my personality. The first and foremost thing I have in me is in my thinking process when a bad situation happens my reactions are towards studying it and knowing what was the reason it happened and next step is I do which I can follow to make the situation better. I participate in every social activity and try always to see good out of it. I process the information I get and study and understand them deeply. I’m a big observer and learner, I learn from my errors, and try
I am skilled at self-reflecting and working with others. I take initiative and always have an open mind.
With the previous experience that I have had as a leader, I have learned to be patient with others. I am also outgoing and love to be around people.
to be more reserved and to control the emotional imbalance that results from other people's unpleasant opinions. These comments are made because people judge other people. Knowing this will help me focus more on what is rather than what someone thinks.
pressure, to use my own initiative and be decisive and confident in what I am doing. I also make sure to communicate with