
Personal Review: Looking At The Dilbert

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Looking at the Dilbert comic, I think most of us can relate to it from some sort of work experience. For me, it reflects on the various bosses, coaches or instructors that have preached one thing, and not followed by example. The second half of the cartoon represents to me why a leader or manger might avoid the conversation of asking subordinates what could be improved on, knowing full well that it will have a cascade affect that they are not prepared to deal with.

Aristotle's quote on leadership tells me that everyone has to learn how to properly follow, as well as learn to know who to follow, in order to one day become a great leader. It could be easy to try and lead in the wrong direction if you don't learn the proper route first. …show more content…

Jeff Bezos, and many world changing individuals took a path not taken before and became some of the worlds greatest leaders as a

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