
U.s. Cuban Relations With Cuba

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Although Obama’s desire for better relations with Cuba is an important factor in the normalization of US-Cuban relations, the most important factor is a change in national opinion towards Cuba, a second image analysis. In 1998, a poll by ABC News indicated that 38% of Americans believed that diplomatic relations should be re-established with Cuba (Polling Report). A similar poll conducted in 2015 by USA Today/Gallup put that number at 61% (Polling Report). Any political decision is strongly influenced by public opinion. Obama’s decision to normalize US-Cuban relations is only possible because more people, particularly Cuban-Americans, are open to the idea of better relations between the two nations. Historically, many Cubans have moved to the US to flee persecution and oppression under the dictatorial Cuban government. Traditionally they have been the strongest opponents against US-Cuban rapprochement, but in recent decades this opposition has eased considerably. This may be because of a generational shift in the Cuban-American community, as second- and third- generation Cuban-Americans have become more tolerant and welcome towards greater openness between the two countries.
In 2000, the Elian Gonzalez custody and immigration battle highlighted the anger still prevalent in the Cuban-American community. A motherless Cuban boy was returned to his father in Cuba, which incited great fury among the Cuban-American community that the government would send a child fleeing Cuba

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