
US Arms Monopoly Summary

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The Case Against a U.S.-Arms Monopoly is written by Christopher J. Coyne and Abigail R. Hall. The beginning starts out with discussing about how much exactly the United States government owns in the global arms market. The article brings up what exactly other countries own and how powerful they are in the global arms and it show how much the United States government owns. After the introduction to the monopoly that the United States government has the article begins to discuss about the arguments that are for this monopoly. This discusses all of the positives and goods that come from the United States having this monopoly over global arms. Soon after that, the article begins to talk about just costs and consequences that come from the United States having this monopoly. In this part it is discussed that there are four parts to this. These costs are system effects, principal-agent problems, rent seeking, and increase in the overall amount of global arms.
Evaluation of the Source (Including a brief Rhetorical Analysis): The Case Against a U.S.-Arms Monopoly by Christopher J. Coyne and Abigail R. Hall is an article about the controversial topic of the United States having a monopoly over the global arms. Christopher J. Coyne is the F.A. Harper professor of economics at George Mason University and has also taught the University of …show more content…

The authors clearly state this “Our goal has been to highlight some of these potential costs and negative consequences in the hopes of spurring a more balanced discussion of the net benefit of a U.S. government monopoly in the global arms market” (188). The authors educated the audience on the situation that was going on. Then they told the benefits of the United States having this monopoly and then for the rest of the article they discussed the all the negative aspects of this

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