I want to be part of the Ultrasound program because I realized that where I’m from people don’t consider going into a major like this. I was raised to become a doctor or a nurse it was either of those or your family will be disappointed. I looked at how many doctors and nurses my community has but rarely any ultrasound technicians. I also like to travel to different parts of the world and I would love to have those skills as a ultrasound technician to help those women who are unable to afford to go to a clinic to see if their baby is in good condition. A woman should never have to choose between making a decision about losing her kid, I want to be able to help those women that are struggling daily whether their baby has a health condition or even letting the parents know their baby gender. …show more content…
My aunt just recently had twins and it was wonderful seeing the lady rub her stomach and telling my aunt she was having twins the smile she had on her face just made me wonder how wonderful it is to share great news with others. That’s when I got on the website watched some YouTube videos about the program and I did a compare and contrast between the program I was interested in and it came down to that the ultrasound program as I mentioned earlier it was rare in my community, I could make a big difference and lead many into this
“Diagnostic medical sonographers work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, imaging centers, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), physicians’ offices, mobile imaging clinics, industry, and clinical research labs (“Diagnostic” 163)”. Also, other places sonographers may work at are in departments of cardiology, radiology, obstetrics, and vascular surgery. Most sonographers work the daily hours of 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M and there are usually never any overtime opportunities. Being said, a sonographer has no typical everyday style; they complete a wide variety of examinations of fetal ultrasounds, gynecological (uterus, ovaries) and abdominal as gallbladder, liver and kidney tests.
A diagnostic medical sonographer who specializes in obstetric sonography is able to capture the images of a fetus inside the mother’s uterus. This type of sonography is used to monitor the growth and development of the fetus as well as its health. Imagine seeing a parent’s joyful expression towards one another when they hear the sound of their baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Or to witness their smiles from ear to ear when they get to see their baby move and wiggle about inside the mother over the ultrasound screen. This special moment is something that an obstetric sonographer has the pleasure of witnessing every day.
Have you ever heard the faint flutter of a baby’s heartbeat while in the womb? A Diagnostic Sonography Technician gets to witness this beautiful miracle of life everyday. After comparing South Texas College, St. Philips, and Sanford Brown College based on my criteria of tuition costs, having family nearby, and the good program, South Texas College would be the best choice in helping me pursue my career as a Diagnostic Sonography Technician. Diagnostic Sonography Technicians use high tech systems to produce and provide pictures of the fetus in the womb while detecting the baby’s heartbeat. In order to pursue this career, one needs to take core sciences in college and high school like; anatomy, biology, chemistry, physiology, physics, and must have at least an associate’s degree.
Being able to identify lumps, swelling, tissue damage, cysts, and the overwhelming news of the sex of a baby all have something in common, an ultrasound. Swelling of the spleen, kidney stones, blood clots, aneurysms, cancer and so much more can be identified through the works of an ultrasound’s imaging technique. Ultrasound involves many concepts, procedures, and careers. The amount of medical possibilities involved with ultrasounds is useful in major medical diagnostics. The field of ultrasounds and career opportunities are widely growing. As medical careers flourish, needs for technicians in many fields of medicine are increasing. Instead of a doctor choosing complex and risky surgery to find out problems within the body, they can now
Gill, R., 2012. The physics and technology of diagnostic ultrasound: a practitioner's guide. Abbotsford, N.S.W.: High Frequency Publishing.
In the future I plan to pursue a career in medicine, more specifically an ultrasound technician. Although English isn’t a subject that is often associated with medicine I believe there are many ways that it will help me in many ways in my career. Before I can even complete an ultrasound degree I will have to write many essays, with the skills I learned in English class. To prepare for tests I will often have to read books filled with information. Once I get a job in the field there will often be times when I have to record information from appointments. At times I will have to send emails to people regarding their diagnosis. Ultrasound technicians don’t seem to do much public speaking but they still have to communicate with the patients and
My interest in Sonography first stemmed from another career interest in computers. I gained my problem solving skills at a young age through using computers. I was able to decipher different codes and morph them into something new. When something went amiss with the computer I would know what procedure to use in order to fix the computer. I loved the feeling of taking something broken and making it full of potential again. However, I knew I wanted to do something more than working with technology. I also had an interest in the medical field. I loved visiting the doctor. I was fascinated how the doctors and nurses could use their problem solving skills as well as their compassion to change someone’s life. I wanted to make a difference in people’s
First, I’m going to give you a little information from the very beginning. I have always found the medical field fascinating. As a matter of fact, when I was little and still to this day, I could sit and watch the surgery shows on TV for humans and animals for hours on end. My favorites were the plastic surgery shows. They are so gross and cool! It was a long process and I never really found out about Sonography till recently and its career advancements! At first, I thought that I wanted to be a surgeon for people, but then I found out how much school it takes and how long it takes to actually be called a “surgeon”! Plus, I remembered that I’m not much of a people person. Never have been and probably won’t ever be! Then I thought I wanted to be a Surgeon for animals, but that takes even longer than being a surgeon for a human being! Believe it or not!
Often times we may ignore the signs our body is trying to tell us. Mainly due to fear of the unknown. Our kidneys play an important role in our body. They are used to filter out waste through urination. There are many exams that physicians use to help diagnose renal failure and there are some less commonly used because they have no effect of diagnosis of renal failure. Ultra- sounds are the number one imaging modality to help in diagnosing renal failure and angiography of the kidney is the least used imaging modality. In order to prevent our body from shutting down it is imperative we pay attention to the signs of what our body is trying to tell us.
My lifetime goals mostly consist of being a well round, intellectual, respected person of society. An Ultrasound technician is the career I intend to pursue. The extra-curricular and academic classes I participate in will help me achieve my goals in a variety of ways. All things I do now will partake in how I am defined in the future I see for myself.
Sonography is a non-invasive medical procedure that uses the echoes of high-frequency sound waves to construct an image of internal organs or body structures. The employment rate is is expected to grow 26 percent from 2014 to 2024. Since ultrasound is non-invasive, it is more encouraged than other methods so the career is always in demand. Diagnostic medical sonographers duties are to prepare and maintain diagnostic imaging equipment, taking a patients medical history, answering questions about the procedure, operating the equipment, review images and test results, know the difference between normal and abnormal images, analyze diagnostic information, record findings, and keep track of patient records. Hospitals, offices of physicians, medical
Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a career that I just learned about this year. I never expected to do anything in the medical field but the more I research about this career, the more it interests me. I love helping people and another career path I have looked at is something in pediatrics. With sonography, I would be able to look at the fetus and make sure everything is fine with the pregnancy. There would be many aspects of this job that I think I would enjoy.
The career I would like to pursue would be Ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is a diagnostic medical procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to see images of a patients internal organs, tissues and blood flow. I first became interested in this field when I became pregnant with my first child. I thought that the ability to see images on the inside of a person's body was very intriguing. I've had many ultrasounds in my lifetime and my favorite were always the ones where I got to see the development of my baby. To be able to see a human being before it's even born is one of the most phenomenal things you could ever imagine. To be an sonographer would be a very rewarding career in so many ways. I would be able to help my patients who were hurt or injured, yet I would also be able to show expecting parents there
I thought it was so interesting how you can see the babies just through the ultrasound and how happy it can make someone knowing their baby is healthy and strong and not only that but knowing their babies gender is even more exciting to tell the patients. I was sure I wanted to be a sonographer when my mom and sister both lost their babies before birth, it impacted me a lot because it hurt all of us and the only thing we had from them was the ultrasounds and the memory of listening to their hearts and seeing them move. In my head I thought it was unbelievable how just one ultrasound can impact somebody's life. I started to look more into it when I started college I found out that they don’t just do ultrasounds of babies they also examine people that are sick. I researched everything I had to know about it when before I didn’t know how long or short it would take me to achieve my goal.
Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves. It is a high pitch frequency that cannot be heard by the human ear. In ultra sound the following happens: High frequency sound pulses (1-5megahertz) are transmitted from the ultrasound machine into your body using a probe. The sound wave will travel into your body until it hits an object such as soft tissue and bone. When the sound wave hits these objects some of the wave will be reflected back to the probe. While some waves may carry on further till they hit another object and then reflected back. The probe picks up these reflected sound waves and relays them to the machine. The distance and time from the probe,