
Essay Understanding Diabetes

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Diabetes is a very well known disorder. Nearly eighteen million people in the United States alone have diabetes. Diabetes is a serious illness, and there are about 1,800 new cases are being diagnosed each day. To completely understand diabetes, a person must first know how the body works with the disease and then determine which type of diabetes he/she has. There are three types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and Gestational diabetes. There are many factors that play into the development of this disease. Type 1 diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body uses food. In Type 2 the body still makes insulin, but is not using it correctly, resulting in elevated blood sugars. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnancy, …show more content…

Occasionally, people notice diabetes symptoms after an illness, such as the flu. If they do not seek medical care quickly, the lack of insulin can cause the blood sugar level to rise much higher than normal. The body then uses fat and muscle for energy, which causes the release of ketones, or fatty acids. Once this happens the person is receptive to go into a reaction which symptoms are confusion; strong fruity breath, and drowsiness, or even coma.
Type one diabetes is usually diagnosed in younger children, but can be diagnosed at any age. Type 1 is the type of diabetes that people most often get before 30 years of age. All people with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin because their bodies do not make enough of it. Their pancreas no longer creates enough insulin to sustain life, if any at all. To live, type one diabetics must take insulin through injections or a newer method, called an insulin pump. Blood sugars are usually tested four or more times a day. Type one diabetes is not caused by being overweight, not exercising enough, or eating too much junk food. It maybe inherited, but type two diabetes in more likely to run in families. Type 1 diabetes, is a chronic illness this means that it has no cure and the symptoms persist over a long period of time.
Type 2 diabetes is more likely to run

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