
Diabetes In New Zealand Essay

Decent Essays

In New Zealand the amount of people being diagnosed with Diabetes is dramatically increasing. It is getting much worse month by month and year by year. This is a huge problem for us and the people around us. These People include our families, ranging from infants­adults, our friends, our inner community and our overall country. Diabetes is a horrible disease that affects our entire country, not to mention the entire world. There are thought to be over 240,000 people in New Zealand alone, who have been diagnosed with diabetes (mostly type 2). It is thought there are another 100,000 people who have it but are unaware about it. A fact for Diabetes within New Zealand is that, diabetes are most common among Māori and Pacific Islanders. They’re three times as likely to get it as any other New Zealanders. Another ridiculous fact is that New Zealand is the 3rd most obese country in the world slightly coming in under America, who rank #2 and Mexico who currently rank the #1 most obese country in the world which this relates to the diagnosis of Diabetes. It is time for everyone to recognise and start to take action to change diabetes in New Zealand before it is too late. So I wonder if having a healthy diet plan and an organized exercise routine will help prevent the risk of being diagnosed with type­2 diabetes? In this essay I will be focusing on Type­2 diabetes, the issues it causes, the science behind it and possible prevention mechanisms that we can take which could possibly help

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