
Understanding Your Fertility Essay

Decent Essays

1. Understanding Your Fertility – A Look at OAR
a. Discuss why women should undergo fertility testing.
b. Provide more detail about what the OAR measures (AMH, inhibin B, FSH and estradiol) and what it can tell a woman about her reproductive potential.
c. Note: If NYFS doesn’t use the OAR, we can talk about a different fertility test.
2. Don’t Forget About the Guys – The Male Fertility Evaluation
a. Discuss how men are sometimes left out of the fertility evaluation process.
b. Explain why it’s important evaluate the man and what’s involved in the process.
3. Preconception Genetic Screening – A Proactive Approach to Pregnancy
a. Discuss why preconception genetic screening is important for any couple who is thinking about getting pregnant (even if they don’t …show more content…

What You Need to Know About PGS
a. Provide an overview of PGS, including how it works and why a fertility specialists would recommend it (advanced maternal age, genetic disorders, recurrent pregnancy loss, repeated IVF failure).
b. Perhaps also explain how PGD is different.
c. Note: NYFS has an ASRM-related blog post from 2015 discussing how PGS is the next big thing in fertility treatment. This new post could be a good update.
6. Is Egg Freezing Right for You?
a. Discuss reasons why women might consider egg freezing (a desire to delay pregnancy, preparation for cancer treatment or deployment) and what questions a woman should ask herself before committing to the procedure.
7. When to Consider Egg Donation – Another Family Building Tool
a. Explain why a woman might select egg donation (lack of ovaries, advanced maternal age) and the different sources for donor eggs (friend, family member, or anonymous donor).
8. Advanced Maternal Age and Pregnancy
a. Discuss how age impacts a woman’s fertility and define advanced maternal.
b. Explain the options for women of advanced maternal age. Provide a positive look at family building through egg donation.
9. Celebrities and Fertility Treatments – They’re Just Like

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