
Undocumented Immigrants Should Not Be A Citizen Of The United States

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Who deserves to be a citizen of the United States (U.S.)? The founders of The United States of America believed people who immigrated and spent years building lives in this country deserved citizenship. They were also keenly aware that making new immigrants wait for citizenship while denying them the very rights that Americans had just fought to claim for themselves would be detrimental to our relatively new and fragile country. Today, it’s a question President Barack Obama and Congress have been trying to answer. As the President and lawmakers, alike, negotiate the contours of an immigration reform bill, they should keep in mind that the granting of legal status to undocumented immigrants would be a boon for the United States’ economy. Moreover, allowing undocumented immigrants to become U.S. citizens would be equally beneficial to America. Legal status and citizenship enable undocumented immigrants to produce and earn significantly more than they do when they are on the economic sidelines. The resulting productivity and wage gains ripple through the economy because immigrants are not just workers, but they are also consumers and taxpayers. Once illegal immigrants are granted citizenship, the newly welcomed citizens can begin to spend their increased earnings on goods and services that will stimulate demand in the United States’ economy, which will, ultimately, help create jobs and expand the economy as well.
Currently, illegal immigration is a growing concern in the United

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