
Unemployment Assistance Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Unemployment is the state of not having or finding work. Unemployment is a big issue in today’s society with the joblessness rate being 199.4 million people or 6% of the entire world. Being so hard to find a job, the unemployment rate begins to rise. It is projected that the unemployment rate will add up 1 million additional people during the year of 2017. The unemployment rate in this time in Florida is 4.7% (August 2016). In 2012, the “Unemployment Compensation” got renamed as “Reemployment Assistance.” It specifies what constitutes prima facie evidence that a person claimed & received reemployment assistance from state through transaction history & payment; provides scoring requirements related to initial skills reviews; provides for workforce training for certain eligible claimants; provides reporting requirements; provides work search requirements for certain claimants; clarifies how disqualification for benefits for fraud is imposed; reviews, readopts, & amends provisions related to temporary extended benefits; provides for applicability relating to extended benefits for certain weeks of high unemployment: creates work group to study …show more content…

This assistance provides money to pay for food and bills so their is little room to be careless with the money. However, this benefit can only be received for a short amount of time. The maximum amount of time for someone to receive unemployment benefits is 26 weeks. Though some are eligible for 33 weeks of benefits through the Emergency Unemployment Compensation(EUC) program. More benefits the unemployment program provides are unemployment insurance and subsidies to aid in retraining. This is so the unemployed can have more time to look for work and reduce short-term hardship. Though in today’s society it is very hard for some people to find a minimum part-time job or full time job within that period to be able to support

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