
Unit 10 Safeguarding

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Unit 10 Safeguarding in health and social care …show more content…

Impact of different social and cultural factors which contribute to different types of abuse
Social factors: health, housing, education, poverty, social inclusion, networks of support.
Cultural factors: discrimination, religion, ethnic, political,
The social and cultural factors influencing the initiation of tobacco, Alcohol and other substances use vary from country to country, from developed world to developing nations, region to region and culture to culture.
Environmental risk factors include availability of drugs, poverty, social changes, peer influences, employment status, type of occupation and cultural attitudes.

Individual risk factors include: being a victim of child abuse, personality disorders, and extreme changes .In family situation, inter-family dependence problems, academic stress, poor academic performance, social deprivation, depression and suicidal. Anon, (2014)
Poverty: Research suggests that poverty is one of the important factor which lead to different kind of abuses e.g. social exclusion, substance abuse, self-harm, child abuse. Those who are unemployed, particularly long term unemployed, in poor or insecure housing have a higher rate of substance abuse than those who do not fit into these categories. A person in an impoverished situation may abuse drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the dangerous environment he or she may live in, a way to deal with her financial stresses or a way to cope with physical or emotional abuse. Many times,

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