
Unit 504 Develop Health and

Decent Essays

Amanda Williams

Unit 504 Develop Health and Safety and risk management policies procedures and practices in Health and social care or children and young people’s setting.

The framework which we work to within the home for health, safety and risk management are based around the Health and Safety at work act 1974. Within this act it states that we need to follow the health and safety policies which as a company we have and also risk assessments. The HSE states that there are several things we must follow, this includes:
Necessary first aid arrangements – First aider on shift, fully replenished and stocked first aid box, relevant information for staff regarding first aid.
Keep a record of all accidents/injuries and ill health in …show more content…

I regularly liaise with the staff member in seniors meetings to ensure that i am kept in the picture and progress of all staff. If any staff are due to co ordinate the shift within the home there must be certain requirements and skills that they must have. They must be competent within their role, passed their probationary period, and have completed the shift coordinator knowledge tasks. This then needs to be signed off by myself when they are competent and understand the health and safety policies and procedures.
To ensure that the home runs effectively, i monitor the capability of the staff members through observations, file audits, supervisions and meetings. When issues arise, I ensure that I deal with these in the quickest manner ensuring that all the company procedures are followed. An example of this was when staff members on shift took two children out with two staff. The issue arose as one of the children was on a 2:1 ratio. This left the staff members in breach of risk assessments and health and safety policies. I conducted a meeting with the staff members in question and ensured that all staff re read the risk assessments and policies.
During staff supervision i address any practice issues un professionalism and individual practice issues with staff. In a recent supervision I discussed a staff members un professional

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