Assessments 6: Ideas and Opportunities (20.0 points)
In Unit 6, you learned about recognizing business opportunities and finding business ideas. Now you'll start developing an idea for your own company.
1. Describe 3 trends that you've noticed, and explain how each one might generate a small business opportunity. (3-6 sentences. 3.0 points) Three trends that I’ve noticed that could be generated into a small business are fitness, healthy food, and eco-friendly products. I think that since the New Year has begun, and more people every day want to be fit, that if I could make many fitness products (water bottles, clothes, shoes, etc.) and make a lot of money from that. The second small business opportunity would be healthy food. I could buy health food products from other companies who sell them, make a name for myself on social media, and sell those same products too nationwide wholefood stores in good neighborhoods that have people coming and buying expensive products on the daily/weekly. Lastly, I could repeat the steps I took for the healthy foods with eco-friendly, and the only difference would be the amount of money I’d make. Since eco-friendly products are expected to be expensive, I’d probably have an easier time charging a somewhat large sum of money for the
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Make a list of at least 5 business ideas that interest you. (2.0 points)
1. Start a small cosmetics company by private-labeling (the act of putting my name on an already existing item, with the creator’s legal consent).
2. Since I am somewhat knowledgeable about designing websites, I could have a business where companies can hire me to create their websites.
3. Start a phone accessory business from my own art (allow customers too request custom art designs)
4. DIYs (do it yourself) are trending at the moment, so I could make a DIY blog, put an acceptable amount of adds on it (as well as having sponsors), and then sell the site’s visitors my DIYs and tools/cute objects to make their DIYs
Company can customise service for different segment. For example, company can use Management Information System software to identify and analyse customers’ database.
D1. Occasionally I act as a duty engineer for work carried outside of production hours. I chair the weekend work meetings allowing me to understand requirements for additional support. A printed work package detailing the jobs is given to each member of the meeting, information and recommendations are exchanged verbally. Post-meeting tasks involve co-ordination activities via face to face and telephone communication. At the end of the shift it is necessary to have a final review with the maintenance department to sign off completed work on facilities, giving us the opportunity to resolve any technical matters and agree any follow up items. I record these meetings using 'minutes', the process allows us to plan the next steps and assignment of
Nike is a brand which is extremely well known for their sort of administration and items that they offer as this can be fitted to the size clients need. They likewise do various things to have the capacity to address furthermore surpass the issues of their clients.
The client in this report is Richard Potter. He is a London Black Cab Driver, he was chosen as the client due to the fact he would use the application on a daily basis because his current Taxi Cab does not include a built-in trip computer as standard and one would be helpful to him while at work to give him useful information about his journeys and the vehicle, which he relies on to produce any sort of salary since he is self-employed. His job consists of making journeys of varying lengths between destinations across London and the surrounding boroughs, occasionally on longer journeys outside of the capital such as to Stansted or Gatwick Airport. The application would be built with him in mind, meaning it must be easy and quick to
In the UK, it is a must to follow the law of equality whilst employing any person for the job, according to section 159, positive action: Recruitment and selection of equality and anti-discrimination law (Butler, 2016). Therefore, according to this law if a person is having similar qualities and qualifications required as per the job description, is already working with the organisation, the organisation cannot recruit the person from outside and decline the promotion to the employee. If in the Debenhams department store there are more than one employee, who are experienced and eligible for the post of floor manager; it would be unethical and illegal to promote one employee over the other employee. Therefore, an organisation needs to make all
We need well thought out and clear procurement documents that will optimise the time required to produce procurement documents and have them prepare with consistent content We want to produce procurement documents which are a true reflection of our brand and sends out a strong and consistent message to the market. We want to get responses that make it as easy as possible for you to choose the right vendor or service provider and to streamline the process to evaluate responses which allows us to get the best services and products for our organisation.
Recruitment is the process by which a business seeks to hire the right person for a vacancy. (BBC Bitesize).
Based on IRS regulations, there is a difference in the type of employment for employees and
Business owners often believe that they have to do everything on their own. However, everyone can benefit from getting help from a business coach Melbourne. Below is a list of reasons you should consider hiring a business coach Melbourne:
The Coca Cola Company is an American beverage corporation, manufacturer, retailer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
Information is made from Data that is numerical which is changed and used to make it seem sense. For an example train timetable, the number of trains and how much it weights.
Give contests to the workers between each other and give points to the workers for whatever good things they have done and also must deduct points when they do not do well suppose for example when a worker keep absenting themselves must deduct points for every absence so the staffs will turn up every day and they will be motivated to turn up for work for everyday and put in such a way that that the staff who earns the most points will get rewarded with the most bonus and that will motivate the staffs to do good
dollar business from your computer at home. People can go on the Internet and find
3. Using the business idea you chose in Assessment 6, write a mission statement, vision statement, and list of 3-5 company values. (5.0 points)
Considering all the above, what screens/factors might you suggest to narrow down the set of most desirable projects?