
Unit 6 Business Opportunities 20.5 Points

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Assessments 6: Ideas and Opportunities (20.0 points)
In Unit 6, you learned about recognizing business opportunities and finding business ideas. Now you'll start developing an idea for your own company.
1. Describe 3 trends that you've noticed, and explain how each one might generate a small business opportunity. (3-6 sentences. 3.0 points) Three trends that I’ve noticed that could be generated into a small business are fitness, healthy food, and eco-friendly products. I think that since the New Year has begun, and more people every day want to be fit, that if I could make many fitness products (water bottles, clothes, shoes, etc.) and make a lot of money from that. The second small business opportunity would be healthy food. I could buy health food products from other companies who sell them, make a name for myself on social media, and sell those same products too nationwide wholefood stores in good neighborhoods that have people coming and buying expensive products on the daily/weekly. Lastly, I could repeat the steps I took for the healthy foods with eco-friendly, and the only difference would be the amount of money I’d make. Since eco-friendly products are expected to be expensive, I’d probably have an easier time charging a somewhat large sum of money for the …show more content…

Make a list of at least 5 business ideas that interest you. (2.0 points)
1. Start a small cosmetics company by private-labeling (the act of putting my name on an already existing item, with the creator’s legal consent).
2. Since I am somewhat knowledgeable about designing websites, I could have a business where companies can hire me to create their websites.
3. Start a phone accessory business from my own art (allow customers too request custom art designs)
4. DIYs (do it yourself) are trending at the moment, so I could make a DIY blog, put an acceptable amount of adds on it (as well as having sponsors), and then sell the site’s visitors my DIYs and tools/cute objects to make their DIYs

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