
United Airlines Case Study

Decent Essays

Friendly Skies Kristin Kurtz St. Petersburg College Step 1: Define the problem United is suffering from a multi-level breakdown, which encompasses individual employees, management, and the organization itself. There are three main problems that need to be addressed in order for United to rebuild. The first problem with United Airlines is being rated at the bottom in their industry. United has 43% of all travelers complaints throughout the airline (Kinicki 41). Customer satisfaction is low. The second problem United is having is the amount of fines they have to pay out. It is reported that United Airlines had to pay out over $2.8 million dollars in fines for leaving passengers stranded and mistreating people with disabilities (Kinicki 41). Another problem United Airlines is faced with is disgruntled employees. Step 2: Identify the Causes of the Problem Customer complaints stem from a variety of reasons. As mentioned in the article, they include flight cancellations, being stranded, bad coffee, and losing baggage. What it the root cause for these actions? It is easy to begin blame on former CEO Jeff Smisek, but there have been two other CEOs since him. Unfortunately, is unethical behavior matriculated throughout the company. One of the true causes for the complaints is because of antiquated scheduling software. The software used is said to lose track of pilots and even dispatch pilots that are retired or deceased (Kinicki 41). If there is not pilot for a plane,

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