
Unknown Liquids Lab Report

Decent Essays

The purpose of this lab is to identify seven unknown liquids. In class the lab group has been learning about carbs, lipids, and proteins. Carbs are the main source of energy in the human body. The elements to a carb are two hydrogen and one oxygen. Lipids are the main source of stored energy in the human body. A lipid has a lot of carbon and hydrogen and a little bit of oxygen. Proteins do all the work in the body. They make up your structure (bone marrow, collagen, muscles, and organs), they’re your immune system (white blood cells), they’re transportation (red blood cells), and they are also messengers (hormones). In the lab the dependent variable is the negative and positive results to each test. The different tests were: fat test, starch …show more content…

The different foods were; Heavy Cream, Fat Free Milk, White Grape Juice, Gatorade, Water, Corn Oil, and Laundry Starch. Unknown A is Gatorade, Unknown B is Laundry Starch, Unknown C is White Grape Juice, Unknown D is Water, Unknown E is Fat Free Milk, Unknown F is Heavy Cream, and Unknown G is Corn Oil. The lab group figured this out by reading the food labels and seeing what ingredients are in it and what tests matched. In reality it was just a matching game.
The purpose of this lab was to identify seven unknown liquids. In class the lab group has been learning about carbs, lipids, and proteins. Carbs are the main source of energy in the human body. The elements to a carb are two hydrogen and one oxygen. Lipids are the main source of stored energy in the human body. A lipid has a lot of carbon and hydrogen and a little bit of oxygen. Proteins do all the work in the body. They make up your structure (bone marrow, collagen, muscles, and organs), they’re your immune system (white blood cells), they’re transportation (red blood cells), and they are also messengers (hormones). The lab results are accurate. The lab group checked with Mrs. Pierce to validate the results. Some were wrong, the ones with the asterisks. But then the lab group knew what they were supposed to be and it made it quite easier to determine what the liquids were. Now that the experiment is

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