
Upward Bound Program

Decent Essays

Community service is an act that should be done with an open heart. Although it was not recorded I have done a few community services willingly. In high school, I was a part of a program for college readiness, the Upward Bound Program. The program played an enormous role in my enrollment to Florida International University, therefore I intend to keep in touch with them and I would pay them a visit them during my free times. During the holiday season of 2016, I voluntarily helped with the Christmas luncheon the Upward Bound Program conducted for the students currently in the program. It was frankly an unprompted act, I ran into my close friend while going to the cafeteria for breakfast, she informed me that she was going to help Upward Bound …show more content…

Before heading into the new year, I cleaned out my closet and sent many clothes that I have outgrown to my younger relatives in Haiti. I was going to throw my clothes out, but I felt that it would be awfully selfish of me to do so when I could recycle them and benefit my family. I consider myself a caring and generous person, I feel pleased to see others content. Comedian Danny Thomas said this quote, “success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It is what you do for others.” I hold this quote near to me because I know the feeling of being content but have individuals around me distressed. This distressed feeling influenced an unsettling feeling upon me, for me true success is an authentic happiness from every individual. I cannot be complete and content, while my brothers and sisters are empty and troubled. With this mindset, I try to be a helping hand for everyone, especially the ones in need. One way I would love to put my generosity to use is by assisting the less fortunate. I have heard of a place called Camillus House where they provide service to the homeless and the poor and I think this would be a great way to help my

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