
Uranus And Gaia Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered how the Greek gods came into existence? It all started with Uranus and Gaia. These two had many children how where strong and powerful named the Titans. When the Titans had children they overthrew there older relatives. There are many different creation stories, with Greek mythology telling a tell of two powerful rulers, there children ruling the earth and monsters also created. And the down fall of it all to just one ruler. In the beginning there was nothing but elements of chaos. This chaos disappeared and reappeared as two parts, the light and the dark. The light soared high above protecting the dark below. Born out of this chaos was Uranus, Gaia, Erebus, and Nyx. Gaia is known as the all loving mother or as some could say Mother Earth. Gaia gave birth to many Titans and giants. Uranus was the embodiment of the sky and heavens. Uranus is also believed to not have come from chaos but from Gaia. She them made him her husband. Together these two lead a vengeful life of happiness and regret. …show more content…

These giants where monstrous and strong beast. They gave birth to three cyclopses or one eyed giants. They also gave birth to three beast that had 100 hands and 50 heads. These beasts where known collectively as the Hecatoncheires. Gaia and Uranus also gave birth to Titans. These Titans ruled the world after the giants where imprisoned in Tartarus. These twelve Titans then paired up with each other and gave birth to many children. The most famous children are the children of Cronos and Rhea. These children are the rulers of Olympus today with Zeus and his many siblings. These many children went to fight each other for

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