
Using A Sociological Perspective

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It's not surprising that the idea of societal influence makes people uncomfortable. It's difficult for anyone to imagine that some of the largest decisions in life aren't completely our own original ideas. The implication of sociology is in itself threatening to our preconceptions and for many, those preconceptions are something to live by, facts of life even. The idea that any of those concrete beliefs that we hold could or even should be questioned feels like a betrayal of the self, of ones values. Beyond that, what can a person really even do? Society is all around us, a constant, powerful factor in life so what are we to do about its influence on our behaviors? It seems potentially hopeless, that if this is the case, if where and how we grow up shapes who we are then what …show more content…

This mentality certainly creeps to the back of my mind, but at the same time I feel more strongly that the study of sociology frees us from the grasp of these assumptions we hold and can be a powerful tool of introspection and self-empowerment.
Using a sociological perspective is possibly the only way to be somewhat liberated from the boundaries that our society often holds for us, for the way we should think and treat others, for the way we react to difficult situations, for the way we express our emotions, choose our friends, choose our clothes and treat our families. The example that pops into my head almost immediately is a family member of mine with very a very limiting perspective of masculinity, this person believes that there is a physical difference in the brain chemistry of a man and a woman, he believes that there are things he likes simply because he is a man and there are things his wife likes simply because she is a woman. In my experience this viewpoint is rather common in our society and many others. I

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