
Using Custom Apps For The Android System

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One of the ways that a user can expose himself to malware can be to hack Android devices in order to get root privileges to install custom apps. This has several risks as it elevates a user’s privileges rerouting the Android system. With root privileges, an Android user can do many things that the Android manufacturers have disabled for you as a normal user. This creates security flaws because hazardous apps can be installed and apps can get root privileges. User installed apps that require root privileges can be especially dangerous. Illegal means will beget illegal acts. A general rule of thumb is that if a user must do something that the Android designers don’t want them to do, then it’s for good reason. A good saying to follow by is that if you aren’t the consumer, then you are the product. This means that if you get things for free, then there’s almost always a catch. Security may be a beneficial factor for devices, but ultimately the user is responsible.
The Google Play Store is an app that connects to a server hosted by Google that stores a large collection of apps made by companies or users. These apps add functionality to our phone. Developers use Google’s software development kit or SDK to create new apps for the Android platforms. If Developers uphold Security, then hackers may not be as likely to create malware to reroute apps to the detriment of the users. Developers may also look at the statistics and comments of the app to learn what bugs are still in the app

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