
Using Implicit And Explicit Self Esteem

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The problem the authors are addressing is the reason correlations of implicit and explicit self-esteem is lower in Chinese culture versus western culture (Yu, Chen, Zhang, and Jin, 2015). The authors suggested the problem has not been clearly defined and researched and this was their motivation in researching this topic. They wanted a clearer understanding as to why implicit and explicit self-esteem is lower in Chinese cultures versus western cultures. The authors were successful in articulating the problem with the gap in the literature. The authors defined and discussed in detail collectivists and individualists (Yu et. Al., 2015), and how it plays a role in self-esteem. The authors suggested people with a more individualistic background obtain a larger amount of self-awareness than people with a collectivism background (Yu et. Al., 2015). This is due to the fact that collectivism focuses on the outside world, whereas individualism focuses on one’s self. In the article a hypothesis was clearly defined. The authors defined their hypothesis as the following, “…we hypothesize that individualism would moderate the relationship between implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem, but collectivism would not”, as stated by Yu, Chen, Zhang, and Jin, 2015.
The authors used 100 participants from undergraduate studies from three different colleges, in medium sized cities, in central China (Yu et. Al., 2015) There were a total of 41 men and

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