
Validity And Reliability Paper

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Validity and Reliability
A key component of using evidence-based practices is to review the best available data from multiple sources to ensure that a quality decisions. (Barends, Rousseau, & Briner, 2014). To identify the best available data, one can begin by questioning the validity and reliability of a study. Validity and reliability in evidence-based research is essential to the success of a research paper. Validity is concerned with the extent to which the research measures what it designed or intended to measure. (McLeod, 2013). The validity of research relates to how valuable the research findings are to the question at hand (Leung, 2015). Validity in research is the work done that is credible and believable because those sources find …show more content…

Researchers prove these three types of validity by having a set of measures that is valid. Content validity measures how well the collected data represents the research question (Cooper & Schindler, 2011, 281). Criterion-related validity determines how well a set of data can estimate either reality in the present or future (Cooper & Schindler, 2011, 281-282). The best suggested way to measure this is to “administer the instrument to a group that is known to exhibit the trait” (Key, 1997). Construct validity determines the success in the measurement tool of validating a theory (Cooper & Schindler, 2011, 282-283). There is another less common validity factor called face validity, which determines if “managers or others accept it as a valid indicator” (Parker, 2003). In addition to the three categories of validity explained above, there are two types of validity to consider internal and external. Flaws within the study, such as design flaws or data collection problems, affect internal validity. Other factors that can affect internal validity including the size of population, task sensitivity, and time given for data collection. External validity is the extent to which you can generalize your findings to another group or other contexts (Henrichsen, Smith, & Baker, 1997). An example of this is having a study done over only male football players. This study might not have the external validity for female gymnasts due to the specific domain of the

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