
Values Is The Core Being Of Who You Are And Influences How You Conduct Yourself

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Values are the core being of who you are and influences how you conduct yourself. Your values are guidelines for making important decisions such as who to marry, what type of career to pursue and the list goes on. Values are grown from the time you are an infant into adulthood and do not change drastically, but can change in priority as you go through life. As Johnston (2014) states, “Much research indicates that while our attitudes and interests may change as a result of life experiences our values remain relatively stable” (p. 14). The only way we know what drives us to do what we do are to stop and take a look at ourselves, take time to assess and hone in on those things that are most important.
In taking the Distinguishing Your Values assessment, it is evident that the most important values to me are working under pressure, variety, security and stability along with environment and supervision. A clean, uncluttered environment at work is very important to me as it allows me to work efficiently. Repetitive or monotonous work can be very boring and cause burnout which is why variety is another value I appreciate. It helps to keep things balanced and interesting. Variety also lends to cross-training and allowing one to work more than one job area promoting growth for each individual within a team. Moreover, it builds employees with a broader base of experience to be a better asset to the company. Managers and peers have commented that I perform my best work

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