
Values Of Employee Engagement

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Employee Engagement is the commitment level of employees and their involvement toward their organization. If employees are fully engaged then they have keen understanding of organizational objective and they work with their colleagues to improve the performance so that the organizational objective can be achieved. Employee Engagement helps employees to create positive attitude towards their organization. Employee Engagement is very important now days and almost touches all parts of HRM activities. If HRM unable to manage its activities in appropriate manner, employees are unable to engage themselves towards their job and tasks. My report will focus on the importance of employee engagement in order to get maximum involvement of employees …show more content…

Leadership: Values of Company: It is very important for employees to understand the core values of their company so that they can help organization to achieve their goals (Robinson et al., 2004). Employees Treatment: Organizations should appreciate and show respect for the qualities and contribution of their employees no matter at what job level they are (Robinson et al., 2004). Empowerment:
Involvement of employees in decision that can affect their work is very important. They want to an active part in such decisions. In highly engaged organizations, trustful and challenging environment is created while giving authority to their members so that they can input and become more innovative in order to move the organization forward (Towers Perrin Talent Report, 2003).
The support of employees toward the product and services provided by their company to the customers largely depends on their own feeling for the quality of those product and services. So high level of customer engagement is linked with employees engagement (Penna research report,

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