For all the world resembling Moses confronting a pair of rebellious Israelites, Bishop Brian Taylor glowered at us from across his large old oak desk in his ninth floor office. He seemed both perturbed and distrustful of our motives, and consequently, began our meeting by testing Reverend Fran's resolve and subsequently probing her theology and methodology. When he finally realized that her "vernacular liturgy" was from the Anglican Book of Alternative Services (BAS) he relaxed somewhat. He seemed particularly interested in my idiomized setting of Psalm 148 to the tune of Vera Lynn's hit song "The White Cliffs of Dover". Vera Lynn's music apparently meant something special to him; still, his religious conditioning did not permit him to regard Vera Lynn's 1940’s swing style of music as a musical idiom he or his contemporaries could relate to in Anglican worship. His religious training was too strong to allow even a beloved musical idiom to permeate the Anglican worship space on a regular basis. …show more content…
Moreover, he was aware of, yet didn't want to face, the inevitable congregational backlash. He therefore sidestepped our request to guarantee the reform process. Instead, he took a wait-and-see attitude which left Reverend Fran alone to face any and all opposition, which placed her in a quandary: if things turned sour, Parish Council controlled the worship space and the bishop controlled her priestly
Pastor Ken Richards response to the crisis should be to apologize and tell the Session's group he would seek after the members that left and seek God for a message for the congregation. He was doing his own thing without seeking God for what the congregation need, however, the congregants should have known his style of preaching before they hired him.
The Vietnam War was an event with lasting effects. The U.S. troops participated from 1961 until 1975 where over 58,000 Americans were killed according to the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs. This war created a divide amongst the American people with so many opposed to the war because they claim that the cost of war and casualties was too high. Many believed, in addition, that the U.S. should not have involved themselves because the war did not directly affect America. For these reasons and many more, it caused a lot of traumas; not only for veterans but even regular citizens. Due to this, when U.S. involvement with the Iraq War started in 2003 (Riedel), many began drawing parallels between it and the Vietnam War and Anna Quindlen was among them.Anna Quindlen, an opinion columnist with a Pulitzer prize for commentary, wrote an article titled “We’ve Been Here Before.” Her overall goal, in this article, is to convince the reader that the Vietnam and Iraq War are alike as well as catastrophic. Her argument that the two wars are alike is erroneous in nature since there are many significant differences to be listed. Quindlen lacks reputable evidence because she lets her emotions write the article so she spews out personal attacks; there is a clear tone of anger. She accuses the president of wanting the Iraq War to only be about policy without backing this stance and she uses her friend’s statements to support her argument though he isn’t an expert on the matter. Quindlen makes a few good points in the article
As the meeting starts, just by looking at the demeanor of the women that begins with the Quorum Roll call you can notice her lack of enthusiasm which causes you conclude that she have no drive to be apart of the meeting. There were also a lack enthusiasm in her voice as she called all the alderman 's for their attendance. She called approximately fifty names without any knowledge if they were present or not. I noticed that there were about forty spectators. As she continues to call names, I realized that some of the alderman did not seem as if they wanted to acknowledge that they were present by their tone and by the time waited to reply “present” or even “here.” The city of chicago incorporated the fourth of march eighteen thirty-seven plaque which was displayed as they set up the cameras for about ten minutes. The room the meeting was held in set a serious tone as well as clean setting. They choose an area which creates a productive setting. After the roll call was over, it was approximately four aldermans that was no shows which did not seem as if it was abnormal. However, after the Quorum Roll call it was time for the invocation which was done by Reverend Martin. I was not to sure what was the need for the invocation because everyone has their different beliefs but Reverend Martin made sure his prayer was not to put anyone to shame for their beliefs but to pray for the focus of the meeting. As Rev. Martin starts the prayer, he focus on the forgiveness from GOD for the
The consultant spoke of visiting churches like ours and found that people many times didn’t want change because “that’s the way we have always done it”!
The original hymn copyrighted by Katharine bates has as many as four verses (The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History), but this recording only performs two. The recording begins with the introduction of a bass drum, using a sound of a drum
“Church , with thoughtful eyes, continued to shake his hand”: the phrase “thoughtful eyes” prove my point that Church still have vacillation of questioning himself whether Hickock deserve his death.
Narrator walks to table with handcuffs on and sits down. A small light hangs above him. Detective closes door and walks to table sitting down on the opposite side of Narrator.
Incensed by this the man who had drafted the second building proposal left the church. At this point the greater denominational structure decided to step in and instructed a pastor trained in crisis resolution to come in to help resolve the situation. This Pastor met several times with the board and the implicated parties in an attempt to work things out. However, the party aligned with Dorch was intrackable and refused to allow people they perceived as arrogant and rich to make any suggestions or changes to the church building. This lead to the building of the new churh structure being stalled. At this point most people in the "educated" party began to slowly leave the church. Those few who remained on the board began to be increasingly hounded an derided. Dorch began to say that he had seen people in his own group in visions which told him they were going in the correct direction toward heaven, while those who did not submit to his authority were going in the wrong
The soprano singer sings about how “Jesus, my desire! Drive world and Satan out and let your image in me renewed sparkle”. The singer demonstrates the personal change and growth that was experienced and how Jesus was and is merciful by helping her through the process of growth by driving Satan out. The composers and musicians are able to demonstrate grace and mercy by the lyrics the singers sing as well as the different tempos used while playing the
Legalization of marijuana, also known as cannabis, weed, etc. has been a trending controversial topic in many sectors of Canada. Although, there have been several studies, organizations and celebrities endorsing the legalization; marijuana should not be legalized due to its severe health effects. Cannabis has both short and long term effects on an individual’s health. These effects range from brain function and development, mental illness, heart rate to lung damage. With almost 44 percent of Canadians who have tried marijuana, the health of Canadians is at stake.
changed and the church though it will never change its principles has to change to reach the
Leader X self-referred himself to counseling. He does not believe that his family or any of the members of the church know about his problem.
Dr. Galindo’s approach to leading us was very open and reflective, his feed back was light and cautious, which had elements of revelation, education and healing. I believe he pushed us to self-awareness, causing us to have an introspective view of who we are and why we are. Reading our online post the first two weeks, I realized that I was very proficient in analyzing the working and dynamics of the church, however there was not a lot of contemplation about my intricate part as a cog in congregational machine. Dr. Galindo gave enough feed-back that inevitably caused me to ask bigger questions or dig deeper into the books and other sources to satisfy my many questions. It made we realize that I am interested in systematic theology. I love to uncover dynamics and unashamedly talk about the hard stuff because it is necessary for healing — I love to share the stories of God and love to find the systemic workings of organizations as well as individuals. Knowledge is
Breaking this cycle of denial and compromise invokes the mandate of the priesthood. Individual priests must accept and interpret the current state of affairs boldly and dispassionately. A decision of partisanship for Christ requires acting decisively at times of abandonment and undertaking the distasteful and thankless, yet necessary, work that lies
Barb had already spun out of control, Parish Council had usurped Reverend Fran's authority, and Bishop Brian was quickly losing patience with the whole situation. Calling for a "more realistic compromise”, Parish Council, like St Christopher's, decided to strip me of the hymn selection process and then order me to play the organ for at least for half the hymns. Afraid of losing her job, Reverend Fran capitulated to the mounting political pressure.