
Verse 8 Summary

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Verses 8 A. Accentuate the Positive 1. Λογίζεσθε is the present tense, middle or passive voice, imperative mood second person plural conjugation of the verb, λογίζομαι, meaning to think. As in verse 6, particular case the voice is could be middle or passive. When coupled with the present tense, it takes on the present passive/middle form, which is transitive, meaning that the Church would benefit directly from keepings these mindsets. It is important to note that just like verse 5, the “[is]” that is added in each of the noun statements are omitted and assumed in Greek. Paul charges the church focus their attention on the positive or good things Christian life. Focus on truth, because it comes from God. Focus on righteousness, being weary of activities or attitudes that are not of God’s standard of holiness. Focus on purity, staying morally clean. Focus on things that are lovely, meaning to focus on things that are pleasing to God. Focus on things that are commendable and respectable, such as attitudes of kindness, gentleness, and love toward others. Think and focus attention toward what is praise …show more content…

Latch on to Affirmative 1. πράσσετε is the present tense, active voice, imperative mood, second person plural of the verb πράσσω meaning, to do or to practice. This verb encompasses the preceding to verbs. Paul is commanding the church follow his example, to honor his request to follow the examples the church had gained in the following four ways: a. ἐμάθετε is the aorist tense, active voice, indicative mood, second person plural of the verb μανθάνω meaning, to learn. b. Παρελάβετε is the aorist tense, active voice, indicative mood, second person plural of the verb παραλαμβάνω meaning, to receive. c. ἠκούσατε is the aorist tense, active voice, indicative mood, second person plural of the verb ἀκούω meaning, to hear. d. εἴδετε is the aorist tense, active voice, indicative mood, second person plural of the verb ὁράω meaning, to

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