
Vertu Case Solution

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Synopsis of the Situation
Nokia, headquartered Finland was a global telecommunications equipment manufacturer operating a luxury mobile phone brand called Vertu, founded by Frank Nuovo in the late 1990s, which pioneered the luxury mobile phone market by using precious materials such as diamonds, sapphires, titanium and exotic leather for phone production. (Kwong-Kay Wong, 2011). In 2002 when Vertu launched the world’s first- ever luxury phone, the Vertu Signature. At that time, the global luxury mobile phone market was considered a niche, but a fast growing one. In less than a decade, annual sales revenues had grown to US$11 billion in 2009 and it was estimated to exceed US$43 billion in 2013 on a global basis (Kwong-Kay Wong, 2011). …show more content…

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In creating a better value proposition always think about your customers first. Take a hard look at your market and research your market objectively asking this question, what value are you bringing to the market, and for your customers? Craft a value proposition, then take what you’ve learned and do something with it by measuring what works, and what doesn’t work.

A necessary master plan for sustainability and growth is a diverse and organizational strategy. Nokia, the leading consumer mobile phone producer needs to take the next step towards dominate the global markets with new technical advances for their products and services. Let’s take a closer look at this strategy! Competition influences diversification, diversification is a direct result of competition. This can occur at many different levels – Competitors in the same space can offer the same product at different price points, or they offer different features and functionality in their products, or they offer value added services and brand loyalty programs. Given that we live in the Age of Now – consumer demand is fickle and fast- companies must be able to adapt and react quickly to the changing needs of the consumer before the next trend comes along.

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