
Video Demonstration Speech Analysis

Decent Essays

Video Demonstration Speech Reflection
My specific purpose statement was to inform the class on how to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch using my family’s recipe. I personally feel that even though my delivery was a little rough, my structure of my speech and my visual aid got the point across successfully. I achieved my specific purpose statement.
My introduction was pretty nice. My attention getter of “Gooey, warm, sweet, and chocolatey. What does that remind you of?” was “amazing” in the words of Mr. Starr. My credibility was strengthened by the fact that we had made this recipe so many times. My Oma, who started most of the traditions in my family, is an amazing baker so when she finds a new recipe and thinks it’s good enough to send to my mom we know it’s a great recipe. …show more content…

While I looked at my cards and visual aid frequently, I believe that my points were outlined clearly and my steps were known, thoughtful, and well organized. One example of this is the chronological organizational pattern I chose. By going through the steps the way I actually baked them allowed the audience to logically understand how to bake the cookies. Even if I used the same transition words like “next” and “after that” I still transitioned between steps. When describing a recipe, if you aren’t careful you’ll get the steps messed up and the ingredients added in at the wrong time and your cookies won’t rise correctly.
I worked really hard on my visual aid. It was well developed, had moving graphics, and a cute baby yet it wasn’t too distracting. There wasn’t too many pictures on any individual slide and the background was plain enough to not be noticed. What little text I had, wasn’t just reading off the slide, it was to help the audience understand how much of each ingredient I used. I did look back at the slides more than I should have, but I knew when to advance the slides and they weren’t in a confusing

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