
Video Games Help Combat Many Emotional Disorders

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Using Video Games to Fight Depression, and Other Emotional Disorders
Video Games are starting to see the light of day in modern society. They are everywhere, being developed yearly, monthly and even daily. The have started discussions on either how violent they are, how terrible for kids they are or why they should just be banned all together. I am proposing a discussion on how video games not only revolutionary can actually help combat many emotional disorders including depression. How video games are enlightening individuals and not teaching them violent tendencies. This literature review will focus on three major themes which emerge repeatedly: (a) Positivity through Games, (b) Gamers with Depression, (c) Games Developed Solely to Fight Emotional Disorders

Positivity through Games
This sections examines gaining positive traits through gaming.
Most theories of video games steam from bad tendencies. Brian Sutton-Smith author of The Ambiguity of Play(1997) believed otherwise. Sutton-Smith, a famed developmental psychologist, focused on the study of play. He believed that you could learn so much about a human condition from studying how they play. After six decades of questioning “what is play.” he came to the conclusion that there was no definition for such a thing. He explained that the “opposite of play isn 't work. It’s depression.”. Also Jane McGonigal(2015) was quoted saying “Video Game play is literally the neurological opposite of depression” she took inspiration

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