
Video Reflection of the Nurses within Nurse Jackie

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The nurses within Nurse Jackie are portrayed as nurses who are hard working and actually care for their patients. The nurses have a dress code which are a clean and preferably wrinkle free scrubs as well as a stethoscope. Because the nurses work in the emergency department (ER) they have had to develop strong relationships with the doctors to ensure that everyone can be trusted. For the most part the nurses know that the doctors hold the power but with increasing trust the nurses are granted more power. When it comes to interacting with the patients the nurses act professional and display appropriate non-verbal signs. Finally, these nurses are visible because they actually provide bedside care and are willing to accommodate most of their patients needs. These portrayals are mostly true for Nurse Jackie. Jackie ensures that she is dressed in an appropriate attire and according to the dress code to ensure that she is professional looking. This is to ensure that she is equipped to provide the quickest and most accurate care. Jackie has created relationships with multiple doctors. This allows for her to gain trust and create a bridge between the two professions by being a leader. The gained trust has allowed for Jackie to provide the most accurate care because she is ensuring they receive the best possible interventions. When there is an issue with a doctor Jackie is not afraid to speak her mind. For example, when Dr. Cooper would not listen to Jackie about her assessment

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