
Violence Among Nurses

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Evidence Gathering Researches have proven that continuing professional nursing training is essential in violence prevention amongst nurses. Tame (2012), conducted a study on the relationship between horizontal violence in the operating room and continuing education found that the assess to continuing professional education assist in strengthening nurse position and renegotiating the boundaries in practice. In addition, decrease oppression of the operating room nurses. Similarly, Cvetic (2011) echoed that failure in communication in the perioperative setting is the main contributing factors to errors. Refining communication among nurses heighten ability to render efficient and competent care to the patient. Castello, et al., (2011) found …show more content…

Constructing Alternatives Healthcare regulatory agencies agreed that the negative impact of lateral violence at work place directly affects nursing care. There have been numerous suggestions on the guidelines on how to eradicate violence at the workplace. Unfortunately, the type of change required for widespread adoption of new approaches to eradicate lateral violence is imperative (OSHA, 2015). Even though the OSHA (2015), stipulated policy on workplace violence such as physical assaults which was termed as a workplace hazard, there are loop-holds in the policy. For instance, lateral or horizontal violence was not mentioned, rather profound

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