
Viruses Should Not Be Banned

Decent Essays

After many years of thought and debate, scientists still haven’t placed a virus under either of the categories, living or non-living. It’s unbelievable, however understandable because viruses cross both lines. But when looked at under extreme circumstances, where do they really stand? Viruses should truly belong under the non-living categorization because of their properties. When looked at from this point of view, it is clear that viruses rely solely on their host, do not fit under the scientific definition and themes of life, and lastly do not contain the smallest unit of life itself. All things considered, viruses should not be put under the category of a living thing. To begin with, viruses would be non-existent if it …show more content…

This point proves once again that a virus completely relies on its host because it cannot perform any functions of life itself. Through these examples, you can see that a virus completely relies on the host, a living being capable of functions of life, for its existence. Secondly, viruses do not fit the scientific definitions and themes of life. In order for something to be classified as living, it must acquire all of the following 7 traits/themes: Order, Regulation, Growth and Development, Energy Utilization, Response to the Environment, Reproduction, and lastly evolution. Out of these 7 traits, viruses do not have order, they are too simple, regulation, they do not grow, and do not adapt. However, the traits that viruses do have are energy utilization, response to the environment, and reproduction. But technically, these traits are only active when the virus is on its host; the virus is not capable of preforming these themes on its own. Additionally the virus cannot possibly be living if it only contains a set amount of themes out of 7, not all. The scientific definition of a living thing even says that an organism must contain these 7 themes, all while a virus does not. In the end, a virus should not be put under a living thing if it cannot even fit the definition and requirements to be an organism. Lastly, how can a virus be alive if it does not contain one of the

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