Visual Analysis of an Ad.
Many people are set to believe that analyzing can only be done when they have words put in front of them to read and actually comprehend what is going on. Well that isn’t completely true. Analyzing can be done by just simply looking at a photo and pointing out the message that the picture is trying to send without reading any words. This image from the ad The Campaign Against Smoking sends the message that smoking not only kills the one who is smoking, but it’s just like committing murder because it can also kill the ones around them.They are sharing this message by showing the child crying because of the inhalation of smoke.
One detail the audience should notice about this ad is the fact that it says “Smoking isn’t
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It shows the fact that children get affected by the smoke, due to multiple things. Especially if they have breathing problems or asthma. The effects that smoking has on children is drastic and the ad not only exposes the child’s emotions with the facial expressions, but it causes the audience to get in touch with their emotions as well.
The child’s expression due to the smoke is also something that the audience will notice. It sort of shows the child coughing but then crying, it’s very explicit on the emotions that the kid is currently feeling in the situation. By looking at the ad, the viewers will assume that the child is obviously affected by the smoke surrounding his face. Some say the child is either choking or coughing, it’s obvious that that there is a reaction that the audience will realize and put into interpretation by just looking at the kid’s face.
The audience will interpret that the smoke surrounding the kid can also be a plastic bag suffocating the child. They will think this because it indeed can pass for a plastic bag. The message will still be the same because either way the child is getting affected by the smoke. It can pass for a plastic bag because of how the words are saying “It’s like murder.” So suffocating is like
The final and the strongest appeal in the advertisement is pathos, the appeal to emotions. Throughout the ad sick children are being shown and getting treated by a doctor or nurse. Showing the family and children laying down on beds who are being diagnosed for cancer. By showing these images the audience feels a sense of loss, fear, pain and grief, even though they do not personally know the children. Also, by not helping these children the audience might feel
The ad comes from the campaign The Real Cost, a cause that works to reduce the number of life-long tobacco users. Their mission is to reveal that experimenting with cigarettes is not cost-free and gives the information in a way that compares the side effects to other things in your daily life. This commercial has since become famous since its debut in 2014 and shows mainly on channels such as MTV and Teen Nick. Because of this, it is evident that the audience that the Real Cost Campaign is trying to reach is teens between the ages of 13 and 18. People who typically watch television shows on these channels
When the video shows small children holding a cigerette and asking for a lighter to light their cigarette, the author is using pathos to appeal to the audience emotions. Smoking is known to cause many illnesses; so if you were to see a child smoking, it might make you sad, worried or even frustrated. Children are often thought of as pure and inosent and
The authors point out how anti-smoking advertisements do not send a clear message to the students to understand how smoking can impact their health. It seems that the advertisements trick people by sending the wrong message, such as demonstrating that smoking is not as bad as it seems that the more the students see those advertisements, the more propense for the students to smoke. The source is relevant to my hypothesis because it demonstrates that teenagers are unaware of the health consequences that they can get. The author’s goal is for teenagers to understand anti-smoking messages are not explicit and are not demonstrating a clear understanding of the risks that smoking cause. The authors conclude that new advertisements need to be more carefully evaluated for teenagers to recognize that their intentions reflect undesirable outcome in the antismoking advertainments for teenagers to understand smoking and the inevitable result that can be provoked due to smoking.
This ad builds trust with the impressionable youth given the source.They are trying to prevent the use of Meth from spreading and decrease drug addiction among teens. The large scale program has been putting out similar advertisements since 2005, so they have a profusion of knowledge on this topic and know how to deal with these type of situations. By using a adolescent in the ad young adults from everywhere are able to relate and have a clear understanding of what will happen to them if they use Meth. More of them will probably respond with a positive attitude.The Montana Meth Project ad states,“ Picking for bugs under your skin isn't normal, but on meth it is,” and when they use the word
The American Legacy Foundation "The Truth," is an anti-smoking advertisement campaign. Their advertisement above is very effective because it shows the viewers a statistic then a picture which brings their ad together. "The Truth" advertisement unitizes logos, pathos, and ethos to show that smoking is bad for your health. The picture above starts of by telling us straight facts about smoking. Then it goes to shows a person laying in what looks like a hospital bed cover by a white sheet, with their feet hanging off the bed indicating that you’re the one walking to your death.
Chapter III: The Science of Cannabis: Nature and Effects Before we start studying in detail the effects of Cannabis on human nervous system, we need to understand a few details about the Endocannabinoid system. The effects of Cannabis are due to the fact that there are receptors in our brain which allow certain active molecules found in Cannabis to bind to those sites. These receivers are called Cannabinoid receptors and the many different cells and tissues which allow Cannabinoids to bind to them are responsible for the diversity and varied physiological results of marijuana consumption. This process of binding of cannabis compounds to the receptors found in our brain is depicted in the structural representation given below : Ever since Drs.
I think that the main attraction of this advertisement is the woman in the middle. She is strong and confident looking and what woman doesn’t want to be like that? It draws you in to thinking that if you smoked cigarettes like that than you might have the confidence that this woman has.
“The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”(Moral Quotes). Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird shows strong moral character even when his decisions are unpopular. Atticus Finch is a high class lawyer who took a case to defend a black man named Tom Robinson. His society, being a racist southern town in the 1930s, judged him because of his decision to defend a black man. Atticus can be compared to both Aunt Alexandra and Dollfus Raymond to represent that although, some people fall to the pressures of society and ignore their morality others can rise above it and act on that morality. Harper Lee utilizes the character of Atticus to illustrate that despite
Overall the advertisers who created this advertisement did a very good job. Through the use of an optical illusion, use of text and the use of negative space it sold the abstract emotion of “parental guilt” effectively. Many parents of young children who see this will look at it and will feel guilty about smoking and will most likely cause them to kick their bad habit of smoking for the sake of their children. Many people don’t like to kick their bad habits because they don’t have a strong reason to, they typically always need someone important to do it for and this advertisement shows parents of young children that your child is your biggest reason you should quit smoking, a child the most important person in a parent’s life and they would be able to do anything to protect
According to Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), 36.5 million Americans currently smoke, that is about fifteen percent of the population which is equal to the combined population of America’s twenty-five largest cities. Although anti-smoking advertisements are shown throughout the United States, people do not take them seriously half the time. The advertisement in this analysis showcases a grayish background, with the colors focusing mainly on a cigarette box that has the cigarettes put into crayon labels and the box also opens like a crayon box. There is also a child’s writing with crayons saying, “Just like mommy.” From this, the image showcases the dangers of smoking and the causes it has on loved ones. This advertisement uses strong ethos, pathos, and logos to get ASH’s point across very clear.
This advertisement was clearly designed to conjure a response from its audience, which are both smokers and non-smokers alike. In the non-smoking audience, the image will either increase their distaste of smoking and its negative health effects, or they will be unconcerned because it has little or no effect on them or their lives. The audience it would appeal most to is the people who vehemently oppose cigarettes and smoking. People like this may believe that anti-smoking ads will reach smokers and somehow convince them to quit, but this is probably not the case. To smokers, the image will be a reminder of the harm they are doing to their bodies. But for the most part, they will likely be indifferent to the image because they already know it’s bad for their health, and will continue to smoke because they are either addicted or are just apathetic to the situation. They may even find ads such as this obnoxious and unoriginal because they feel as if it’s repetitive and a personal attack on them and their views and habits. Because smoking is seen as such a bad thing in U.S. society, they may detach themselves from advertisements that contradict what they believe is okay.
One of the ways that photography limits our understanding of the world is through the manipulation of images to trick us. In cigarette advertisements, the picture of the cigarettes is edited with vibrant colors and little details to the point that it starts to persuade the viewer to think that smoking is good. This is how companies manipulate their images to fool us. Others claim that it does not matter because the point that the advertisement is trying to make is that cigarettes are harmful, but this does not go through the viewers heads because
By asking the viewer to imagine themselves in a certain situation the creators of this ad are asking viewers to empathize with others. The clever use of pathos in this ad, is what will make viewers feel compassion and
The ad uses pathos, a rhetoric strategy to target the emotions of its viewers, by using a smoking toddler as the focus of it. Seeing a young child smoking a cigar will draw the attention of viewers of any age, gender, or race. The image will cause its audience to investigate the purpose of the ad. It makes people feel sorrow for the young, innocent child that doesn’t know what he is doing, and to feel disgust for his parents for their irresponsibility. Like most of their ads, PETA caused a lot of controversy with this image. Not only did people feel sad for the child but they were outraged at the ridiculous image. Now that PETA has their attention, they will investigate the purpose of the image. Its purpose could be of many things including: secondhand smoke, insufficient parenting, or cancer. When looking closer, they realize that the ad is meant to stop them and their children from eating animals by claiming that it results in the same physical diseases as smoking does. What they don’t realize is that using such outrageous content is how PETA gets their message across; The more controversial, the more people will talk about it and the more light that gets shed on the purpose of their organization.