
Visual And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders

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Oxford dictionary added the word “selfie” in August 2013 being defined as a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website (Augarde, 1981). Its not you its me: The Science Behind the Selfie is a recent news article that came out addressing the complexity behind what a selfie represents and what people are really trying to convey or masque. Throughout the past five years the word selfie has been added to the dictionary, added to the vocabulary of children and adults, and infecting the world of social media. Moreover, this article illuminates the multifaceted projection of a selfie and the potentially threatening psychology behind a picture that to many seems harmless.
Low Self-Esteem
Due to the forever evolving growth of social media, and the portrayal of how the world perceives beauty low self-esteem is a common mental health disruption. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not recognize low-self esteem as a diagnosis, yet low self-esteem can be the foundation to depression, anxiety, ADHD, codependence, failed relationships and acceptance of mediocrity (Rodgers, 2013). The mood of this article focuses on the importance of recognizing that men and woman often suffer from low self-esteem and are misconstrued through the illusion of confidence behind posting selfies. This article discusses using selfies to medicate low self-esteem by correlating

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